

Yesterday we went to visit my dad and step mother who live about an hour north of us. Isn't her planter just beautiful? We had lunch and a really nice time visiting. It was great to be home and to sleep in our own beds on the SAME day as the visit! One of the many benefits of moving.

My weekend was low keyed which is exactly what I wanted and needed. I'll need low key for a few more months, then maybe I will be recovered from the move emotionally, physically and mentally. I've decided to simplify my planners and streamline what I am tracking and documenting. I had to drop many of my goals during the move. Now I'm contemplating what brings joy.

How was your weekend?


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly - in times of upheaval and stress, it's almost always better to simplify! Your weekend sounds quite lovely.

  2. Moves are physically and mentally tough. We moved three years ago and it was not easy as we are not movers. Third house in 44 years of marriage. Rest and recovery very important ❤️

  3. So glad you had a nice visit. Glad you are simplifying and putting your own needs first so you can recover. Our weekend was a good one - the last road trip of summer. Home today. Have a good week.

  4. How nice that you can visit family in one day! I agree that simplifying is a great idea. Love the planter.

  5. Bright idea to simplify! The planter is beautiful; thanks for sharing and rest up!

  6. I reassessed and reset a few things yesterday ... I think August and September are the perfect time for that!

  7. Wonderful you can visit family and they are close! We moved 2 years ago out of house we built and lived in for 30+ years. It took me almost a year to to recover physically and mentally. Be patient with your self.

  8. You are so right. Moving is hard physically, mentally, and emotionally. Like everyone else, I agree that simplifying is a good strategy. Honestly it's a good idea most of the time. Keep what brings you joy and happiness and let the rest go. Take good care.

  9. Moving takes its toll, but is so worth it a little bit out. Seems all closings have hitches and stress. My weekend was a big curve ball. Nothing planned came about! But it did end up including, Collectivo COffee, scones to die for, and great talks with my far away kids . Oh and good knitting

  10. I hope you are feeling more settled as the days go by (and what a treat to be so near your dad!)

    I am contemplating some of the same things... what to let go, what to keep. And yes... what brings joy!

  11. Moving... Glad you are taking care of yourself!

  12. Hi Karen,
    ...slow weekends are the best...and it's so nice that you're just an hour away from your parents now...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  13. How wonderful to be so near family.


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