

This weekend was kind of relaxing overall. I spent the better part of Sunday cleaning the house and doing the laundry. While sitting and resting I prepared some pages in my art journal notebook. I like to batch produce then free write when I am in the mood. 

Lucky for us my husband's colleague from the past lives near our new house and invited us over for 'drinks' on Saturday but the 'drinks' turned out to be a dinner - lovely! We met his wife and family and had a great time sitting and chatting outside.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your pages are just beautiful! It's so nice that you already know some people in your new neighborhood and had a good time with them.

  2. I always enjoy seeing your journal pages - so pretty! Echoing Bonny, so nice that you already know some people (other than family) in your new location. Glad you are settling in so nicely.

  3. I love your use of art in journaling. So nice you are making new friends in your area. Have a great week.

  4. Your journal pages are lovely! I'm exploring some new-to-me views and trying out some new rhythms. and how lovely to read that you're making friends and getting out - what a treat!

  5. I too appreciate your art! The botanics are sweet. My weekend was good, once we got out of the house and sat apart from others at a music concert in a tiny park .

  6. How nice to have a weekend dinner with old/new friends in you new neighborhood.

  7. I love your drawings. It's so good for the drawing practice to sketch like that!

  8. Hi Karen,
    ...I'm glad you're getting some rest and settling in nicely...
    Have a lovely day!

  9. I love seeing your art journaling. I am glad you had a relaxing weekend and have met some new/old friends.

  10. It makes me smile to see how much fun to have with your journals.


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