Knitting News


Good morning, how are you this fine Wednesday morning? 

My knitting has expanded a wee bit with a sweet little baby cardigan for a friend's first grandchild. I do love this yarn and I over-bought on the yellow, it's always better to have too much than too little. I like to make the February Baby sweater by Elizabeth Zimmermann - a true classic! I omit the gull stitch pattern for the body and just zip along in knitting bliss. Apparently this is the eleventh time I've knitted this sweater on Ravelry.

What are you working on this week?


  1. That yarn looks perfect for that sweater. I am trying to finish a hat and then have loads of plans for fall knitting.

  2. That yellow is perfect, and it really must be the best baby sweater if you've knit it 11 times!

  3. Hi Karen,
    ...what a sweet little sweater...and what a good idea to do it all in garter stitch...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. Just such a darling sweater and love the yellow color - Perfect!! I can't believe you've knit that 11 times!!!

  5. Lovely sweater start! (and good practice for your new grandbaby!)

  6. What a pretty baby sweater, and such a lovely colour. I'm working between tidying the garden, and working on my next dolls house.

  7. Yellow knits are really pretty. If I ever have any grandchildren, I'd knit that sweater. It must be a winner of a pattern if you've knit it 11 times!
    I just frogged an attempted sweater, so I'm working on the linen stitch scarf.

  8. That is going to be a sweet little baby sweater. I do like to knit with a tried and true pattern. I'm working on Norah's 4T sweater. Knitting a bigger size than she needs and hoping it fits sometime when when she might enjoy a sweater.

  9. Oh, and I can totally see why you made so many of those, it is a lovely pattern, and the yellow yarn looks very cheerful !

  10. What a sweet sweater! most of my baby knitting seems to be for friends' grandbabies these days. I started a 4th Lilly Rose Dress yesterday :-)

  11. Wow. 11 is your charm then. It must be a great pattern!!!!

  12. Hi!
    beautiful post! yellow color is also beautiful :) I like it very much :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  13. Yellow is one of my favorite colors for baby items. I have some stashed for my future grandchildren (if only my girls would get moving on that front ; ) ). I look forward to seeing the sweater when it's finished!


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