

Good morning!

How was your weekend? Mine was filled with:

-getting so close to finishing the poncho! - lunches on the back patio - watching Holly successfully hunt and kill a dried green pea in the kitchen - daily walks - saying goodbye to cool breezes and resisting the hot humid weather that is returning - cleaning - laundering - menu planning - reading - more knitting! - homemade pizza - Mass on Youtube 

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I did some very dull cleaning, laundry, and mowing, but made time to knit a few rows. I'm glad you're approaching the end of the poncho!

  2. Your weekend sounds nice. Glad Holly got the pea - LOL. Can't wait to see the Poncho! My weekend was filled with the NJ Sheep & Wool Festival!!!

  3. Holly for the win! LOL. Surely your hot humid weather won't stay long. Right? My weekend consisted of going to Home Depot, watching 2 exterior doors be installed, knitting, crocheting, going to Mass, watching NFL and watching movies. There might have been some bread making in there too lol.

  4. Hi Karen,
    ...it has warmed back up here too...but not above 90 again...thankfully...we've been making pineapple jam...which is new to me...we never had it growing up...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. Mine weekend was all about 'recovering' from being gone for 3 weeks, lots and lots of laundry, cleaning out the trailer, etc. Glad to be home but not loving the high temps, 'the never ending summer'. Glad Holly got that bean!

  6. hahah imaging Holly hunting a dried green pea.

  7. First weekend home in a while. It was nice to do a good cleaning. Lots of rain yesterday = lots of knitting time. Can't wait to see the poncho.

  8. Sounds like a full weekend! Love that picture of Frodo… he’s so adorable ☺️ It’s been very hot here in Phoenix and I am longing for cooler weather. We didn’t do too much, just our normal round of shopping and relaxing together at home.

  9. Sounds and looks like an absolutely lovely weekend! We had a busy one with 3 parties to attend and a BBQ so it was a tiring one! A lot of fun too though, the kids had a great time, and so full of ice cream and cake at the end of it, haha!

    Hope your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

  10. Looks like you had a great weekend. Mine was quiet if not very productive. Enjoy your poncho; I made it several years ago! In yellow.

  11. The weekend inc1uded an ear1y padd1eboard on Saturday. IT was very very quiet. We got on the water by 0800. The trip out was against the winds. We stay c1ose to shore when there are strong winds. The way back was so fun. Winds pushing us a11 the way back! The water was c1ear and warm. Our Iake is spring fed and so c1ear and c1ean.
    Sunday was an awfu1 Iot of sports on radio, on tv, and computer. Cubs, Packers, Bears......but a pretty day to sit on my porch and watch the hummingbirds come back over and over and over to drink

  12. Relaxing and getting back into a routine, with a little baking and crafting thrown in.

  13. Sounds perfect, Karen! I'm glad Frodo managed to catch that pea for you!


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