

Good morning! How was your weekend? You know you are officially moved in when you hang your cuckoo clock. My husband's brother and sister in law gave us this clock from their time in Germany in the 1980's and it still runs perfectly. I love it! However, I'm afraid of Holly the cat being interested in it as well, so at night I stop the tick tocking, my husband thinks I'm ridiculous. Honestly, I'm thinking like a cat.

After months of thinking about finding new salad dressings to make at home I ventured with a new tahini recipe, it was 'okay'. The garlic was a bit much and it was too thick to pour. So I'll be going back to the drawing board for some new ideas.

I spent the majority of my weekend --- KNITTING. I started two new projects while still getting so close to the end of that never-ending shawl. I'm positive I'm on the last repeat but I've thought that many repeats ago.

I snapped this photo of Holly looking at the world below from our bedroom window, she loves this new house. She has many perches to spy on people, birds and recently chipmunks.

How was your weekend?


  1. I love your cuckoo clock! We have one too, but it doesn't keep time well. That is probably our fault though. We don't keep it going. Need to do better at that. I love the bookcase next to your fireplace and your curious cat. Hope you have a good week. See you again soon! :-)

  2. Your new house looks nice and cozy. I spent some time knitting this weekend also. Can't wait to hear about your new projects.

  3. Holly would probably be thrilled that she has you thinking like a cat! My Hitchhikers are like your shawl; I always think I'm nearing the end, but there's always one more tooth. I like that new yarn ready for cast on next to the Neverending Shawl.

  4. i love your cuckoo clock! it reminds me of one my grandparents had when i was little. i wonder what happened to that clock. anyhoo...hope you have a good week.

  5. What a sweet cuckoo clock you have. So glad you feel 'moved in' now. Your fireplace looks so inviting. The perfect place to sit with a book or knitting and enjoy life. Holly seems to have adjusted quite well. All those windows for her to peek out of. Not to mention a cuckoo clock to contemplate. Have a lovely week.

  6. That's sweet that Holly likes the house so much.

  7. We have a similar clock from Germany; it's silent all the time as the cuckoo was driving us nuts! I've been doing lots of knitting, too. Wish I could do that faster though!

  8. Hi Karen,
    ...my Nanny had a cuckoo clock when I was little...I was always fascinated by it...and Holly looks right at home...glad you are all feeling that way too...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  9. What a pretty yarn combination next to the also pretty shawl. May the shawl cooperate and you get to the bind-off soon. I have never had a cuckoo clock but we do have a nice clock in our living room that my husband's brother and wife gave us as a wedding gift. It chimes the hour and the half hour and needs to be wound once a month. I believe it would be called a school clock? It has been with us through all of our moves and homes.

  10. I have been playing with salad dressings too and this one was good - https://www.forksoverknives.com/recipes/vegan-sauces-condiments/cilantro-cashew-dressing/
    I also found some dressings at Trader Joe’s that are vegan and very good. Don’t know if you have TJ’s but if you do, the dressings are in the produce section.

  11. My cats, too, realiy enjoy the vantage points here. Fezz wiII highest. Of course. I really 1ike the pattern on your chair . The b1ack and white. Beautiful

  12. What a cute photo of Holly! I am happy that she has settled in and is enjoying her new abode. The cuckoo clock would probably drive me nuts! LOL

  13. What a wonderful weekend. I too, have two big projects on the needles (endless straight knitting) and am thinking of casting on another smaller project, one that I will finish this year;-/.

  14. I love your brick fireplace! I miss having a fireplace and cozy warm fires. That photo of Holly is adorable 😊 love your projects!


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