

How was your weekend?

Mine was frosty and beautiful. This week there will be a slight warm up but I'll have the memories of a frosty, cold, chilly weekend. The news people say we are past peak fall color but I'm still enjoying the colors that are currently around. The oak trees are still doing their thing and some maples are trying valiantly to hang on. This week I'm sure will be the Big Leaf Drop.

Over the weekend, my husband and I walked a new to us path/trail that is near our neighborhood. Every so often we try to explore a new place getting a sense of where we are. Bit by bit I file away places that family and neighbors tell me that I should explore and then when there is time we do it. 

I have been crushing my holiday knitting goals. I know! I'm overly confident that I will get all the knitting done by my self imposed deadlines.  That is a really good feeling.

How was your weekend?


  1. Lovely pictures of Fall in your neck of the woods! I love the frosty picture. My knitting is going well (and stitching). I am sort of re-thinking (possibly) my plans for further Christmas knitting...have not fully decided yet.

  2. I really like the frost photo also! The leaf colors in our area look kind of muted, with lots of browns among the yellows and reds, but still pretty in a quiet way.

  3. Your frosty photo is pretty. Soon you will be showing us photos with snow. Sounds like another blessed weekend for you. Finding new paths to walk is always a joy. Glad to hear your knitting needles are still flying.

  4. Hi Karen,
    ...your new path looks awesome...we've still not had our first frost yet...and it's overdue...fall came really late this year...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. Yay for you, hitting your knitting goals.
    Finding new walking paths that are as gorgeous as that must be a real treat.

  6. That looks like a geat trail. Glad you had a nice weekend. Hope the week ahead is a good one.

  7. What a pretty trail. I like the photos of fall in your neck of the woods. The colors here have been show-stopping. The leaves were falling today. I think we are also in for the big leaf drop. Hooray for nailing the holiday knitting. We had a quiet weekend but oh so nice since we are home.

  8. Nice photos! It was a rainy and chilly weekend here. It's fun to explore local trails, isn't it? We actually saw a cougar on one of recent nearby walks. That was quite a surprise!

  9. The weekend was wonderfu1 as my daughter came in to he1p out . She scrubbed the f1oors, made mea1s and pies and kept her father smi1ing! They started a puzz1e. I was fina11y ab1e to c1ear out my desk and resurrect my knitting


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