

How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good! I had lots of knitting time, crafting time, reading time AND I am officially done with knitting for Christmas only if I decide not to knit my husband a pair of socks. I'm still mulling that one over. I'm trying to give my hands a rest from all the double pointed needle knitting which inflamed some finger joints when I did all those fingerless mitts one after the other. 

On Saturday, my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and dessert. We try to get together once a week and it's a nice tradition - schedule permitting of course.

Sunday after my weekly household chores I pulled out the baby sampler cross stitch project that I want to stitch up before the grand-baby arrives in early February - no official name yet so that will be stitched in once the baby makes his/her arrival. Surprises are the best.

How was your weekend?


  1. Cute sampler!! It feels good to be finished with Christmas knitting. I gave up a project or two in favor of relaxing! My weekend was nice...just a bit too fast for me.

  2. It sounds like you had a good mix of fun, chores, and making. That does make for a good weekend!

  3. I am glad someone I know is finished with their Christmas knitting... I, sadly, am not! lol

  4. Hi Karen,
    ...your cross-stitch kit is so cute...perfect for a little bundle of joy...and good you got in a family visit too...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. That is such a nice tradition you are starting with your sister.
    Yay for wrapping up almost all of your knitting.
    I haven't read a single word since we came back from vacation.. minus Harry Potter with the kid. :(

  6. That is so neat that you get together with your sister and brother-in-law once a week. It is so nice you are close to family. I also love that cute sampler for your sweet new grandbaby. It's a good feeling to have Christmas preparations complete. Then, you can just sit back and enjoy. Hope you have a good week.

  7. That will be the sweetest piece when you’re all done! It’s so wonderful you’re able to visits with your family often too.

  8. How nice you can get together so often with your sister and her husband. Take good care of your hands. What a sweet baby sampler. It will be all the sweeter once you learn the name of your first grandchild.


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