Hollyhock Sweater


I finished my sister's birthday sweater last week before we headed up to visit our daughter and son in law in Cambridge MA. I have to admit I was so eager and glad to cast off the second sleeve, soak and block this project.

My sister asked me if I was going to start a sweater for myself and I just need a bit of time to recover from this project. I want a sweater for me but I need to mull over my stash collection and which pattern to pair with the yarns. For now, I'm working on short simple projects until I decide.

I will be giving her sweater tomorrow and I hope it fits perfectly :) 

I've knit this pattern three times and honestly this one I could knit again and again. The yoke is fun to knit and by the time I'm doing the body of the sweater it's mostly done. The sleeves are speedy too. 

What are you working on this week?


  1. Oh wow! That is so gorgeous Karen. Lucky sister!!! Beautiful finish. I'm slowly working on my Holiday Socks. No rush...Christmas is a little less than a year away! LOL

  2. That sweater is beautiful! If your sister sees those pictures, I bet she would rush right over and demand her sweater today! I love the colors you chose and I know she'll be very happy with it.

  3. Wow! Gorgeous Karen! Your sister is going to love it! What an incredible gift! :)

  4. That's really so pretty! The colors go together perfectly. I hope your sister wears it in good health!

  5. I adore the colors in that sweater.

  6. Hi Karen,
    ...WOW!...so pretty...I love the colour...your sister is going to love it...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. The color just makes my heart sing! Your knitting is beautiful. A tried and true pattern really is awarding knit.

  8. THree times!!!! wow. That's an endorsement for sure. I'm working on a big b1anket. A 1og cabin. I'm using up yarns that have sat around a 1ong time . Need room for new stash. I a1so have a shaw1 on the need1es but so far, I started the b1anket and I haven't stopped yet.

  9. That is gorgeous! You are so talented. Your sister is blessed. :-)

  10. What a gorgeous sweater. Your sister is going to love it. Enjoy musing about your stash. Dreaming up new projects is one of my favorite parts of knitting.

  11. What a beautiful sweater! 💕Your work is amazing! Your sister will love it!

    I'm looking for a sweater pattern myself, though something much simpler! 🤪

  12. Your sister will love her new sweater… it’s so beautiful!

  13. So beautiful Karen, I hope your sister loves it.

  14. Wow, this is a beautiful sweater! I love the colors you chose.

  15. I know your sister will appreciate this new jumper.


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