No Matter the Weather


This week has been bitterly cold and yet Frodo and I keep trying to take a walk in spite of the weather adversity. He loves his walks but he doesn't remember his limitations (almost like me!). He is a glass half full kind of dog (unlike me, I'm trying to be more like him). On one walk we were approached by a loose dog then another loose dog by the same owner. I'm lucky I can pick Frodo up and wait for the mayhem to settle. This owner like many loose dog owners before him thinks Frodo is afraid and that is why I pick him up.  Sadly I pick Frodo up because he can get nasty with other dogs...I still love him and his 'spunky' attitude. 

Since the weather is frigid, I am doing all the indoor activities. Lots of reading, knitting and I started a new cross stitch project. It's been fun circulating my brain amongst all of my hobbies, I'm lucky that my hobbies are vast and I rarely get bored. 

I have a routine eye doctor visit early this morning, I'm hoping she can magically help me see tiny stuff better. We have not big plans for the weekend. My January lull has been utterly delightful and restive. I'm assuming that February will be more of the same. One can hope!


  1. I know for a lot of people it would be hard to believe, but I would give anything to have more frigid or rainy or snowy or any kind of walks with Hamlet. Even when both of us thought we didn't want to go out, we were glad that we did.

    Have a good weekend, whether or not you get snow. We're supposed to, but I have a feeling that it will be more like a real snowstorm near the shore. But you never know!

  2. Good luck at the eye doctor! And yes... walking in the crisp fresh air is such a very good thing!

  3. I've been trying to take a walk even if it's cold, but when the wind blows or there's snow and ice, I stay indoors. I'm much happier sitting and knitting inside than freezing outside!

  4. It's finally warming up here and the fog seems to be leaving, thankfully! Have you finished that 3-color cowl yet? You inspired me to start one, but it's been slow-going. (for me)

  5. Hi Karen,'s quite chilly here too...making it difficult to get out and ride my bike...but I'm going this they are calling for more snow maybe not tomorrow...and Jack (almost 17 years old) is past walking for any length of time now...but I used to pick him up too...not to protect him from the other dog...but the other way round...haha...those terriers are feisty...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Sweet Frodo. He is probably trying to/wanting to protect you from the loose dogs!! A quiet weekend sounds perfect to me. It has been snowing here, but we don't really have much accumulation...still staying inside in my plan! I've things to do (fun things like knitting and stitching and reading and napping).

  7. I'm glad Frodo doesn't let anyone push him around. I hope all went well at the eye doc. Have a great weekend and stay warm!

  8. You are wise to be on the defense. I'm so happy to have new sock yarn to pass the time!

  9. Good for you getting out for a walk even when it is bitter cold. Sounds like Frodo is a good walking companion, and stands his ground against other dogs. Hope you have a good weekend. Stay warm.

  10. What a spunky Frodo! I love it and you go on being a responsible dog owner. I think here in CA it's illegal to have your dog off leash because of possible clashing personalities or overly aggressive temperaments.

  11. I never understand dog owners who don't leash their pets in neighborhoods. I have also been trying to get outdoors a little. I just do better if I get out in the fresh air - no matter how cold. I hope the eye doctor has good recommendations for you. Stay warm. I wish we'd get some more snow.

  12. A month of lull sounds wonderful, I hope February is the same for you. This is the time of year for all those gentle creative activities, it is lovely to hear that you have many that you enjoy doing.

    I love the wee basket with your books in, a lovely way of keeping them tidy and to hand.

  13. I often have to steer my little Seymour away from other dogs for exactly the same reason. He seems sweet and cute, but he can be unpredictable around other dogs. He also does not realize how small he is and will often pick fights with the big guys in the neighbourhood without thought.

    I got new glasses the other day. I usually only wear them for driving, but I love the frames so much that I've been wearing them around the house. It's amazing how much better I can see things on tv now! :)

  14. It has been insanely cold here. On Friday I had to make phone calls to arrange care for my mother, who broke her arm. There is no cell service in the ER, so I had to run outside in 6 degree weather to make the phone calls.
    I, too, am very happy to be home with my crafts. I have enough to avoid boredom!


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