

How was your New Year? How was your weekend?

I had a long time off from this space and it was relaxing and fun but then again I miss my regular posting three times a week. For New Year's Eve, we went to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and board games. We had great great fun!

I'm sharing with you the progress on the baby sampler but I haven't worked on it for a few days now. I am nearly finished with what I can stitch, once the baby arrives in early February I can stitch his or her name and the date. It's been a fun stitching project (no backstitching!!).

I have been knitting like a demon to finish my sister's sweater and hopefully I will have some photos to share with you soon. It's drying right now as I type this post. The weekend was relaxing and calm. I knit a lot, read a lot, and I put away all the holiday decorations because clean spaces is what I crave when the new year begins.

What have you been up to this past weekend?


  1. I also knit and put away some decorations, but I still have the tree up and a few of my favorite Dept. 56 houses. I like seeing the lights in the early morning dark. I read two books, but nothing outstanding yet.

  2. I am in the process of putting away the Christmas decorations. The tree came down yesterday. We played a lot of board games this past week. Had a lot of fun. I just finished one book and the next is on my Kindle. I am looking forward to seeing that sweater. The baby sampler is cute.

  3. A cross stitch without back stitching would be a dream come true for me. It won't be long now until your grandbaby arrives. How exciting to be able to put in the name. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. How nice that you are close to family again too. Today is the day I take down all the Christmas decorations since yesterday the church celebrated Epiphany. Although, I have decided to leave the fairy lights up on the mantle this year. I like the ambience they give off.

  4. That stitch project is really sweet. We got more snow so another home day here. Guess I can put away the tree.

  5. My weekend was filled with stitching, knitting, napping, reading, cooking. All things that I love! Your sampler is so cute. Won't be long now!!!

  6. Usually, like you...the decorations need to go QUICK! This year, I decided to keep 'wintery' looking trees and added a few snowmen. Wishing for some snow, but my decorations might be as close as I come. At least it's no longer 70 degrees. I need some COLD!!! :) (I know you can relate to this!!!!)

  7. It has been so wintery. Decor , except for manger scene, are put away. I finished my charity knits which are due to the town by 1/7. I 1abe1ed the scarves, etc and put them in sma11 pretty bags. we did get in the hot tub and heard the ow1s hooting!

  8. I have everything put away but my Dickens Village which is still on the mantle. It looks so nice lit up in the dark wee hours of the morning, I am debating to leave it up another week. We shall see!

    I can't wait to see your sisters sweater! Well done YOU!

  9. I always crave wide open, clear spaces after Christmas comes. I also crave vegetables and hot tea! I'm very impressed by your cross-stitch. That is a craft I have never touched but am always amazed by. Happy New Year!

  10. The little sampler is very sweet. I finished my red shawl on New Year's Eve. Our New Year's Eve and Day were quiet. I put all the holiday decor away on New Year's Day and set up my calendar - writing in birthdays, anniversaries, and any appointments I know about. I like to start with a neat tidy home.

  11. I love that sweet sampler. So glad you had a good New Year's Eve and weekend. We cleaned up and put away this last weekend as well. It's so fun to hear that you and your hubby also enjoy Mystery Science Theater 3000. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  12. What a cute sampler ! I've been working on Saturday ( I volunteer in the pet shelter ) and Sunday I mostly relaxed..

  13. Hi Karen,
    Happy New Year!
    ...that's such a sweet sampler...I've actually started a little cross stitch project...can't show much of it yet as it's a surprise...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  14. The sample looks lovely.. as does your weekend.

  15. The cross-stitch sampler is lovely! New babies are so exciting!

    New Year's was very quiet at home for myself & hubby! We nibbled on lots of leftovers before getting back to a better, healthier diet!

    I've picked up knitting needles again testing a cable stitch headband for a friend. It's been a long while since I have been cable knitting, but it is coming along nicely.

    Happy New Year! Connie

  16. somehow I didn't know you also do cross stitch! That sampler will be a nice gift as will that gorgeous sweater!

  17. That cross stich looks lovely and it's nice you will be able to personalise it for the baby! My mum cross stitched some beautiful designs for each of my sons when they were born with their birth details and names on them - they have them hanging up in their rooms, they are beautiful! It's such a nice gift :)

    Hope that your week is going well and 2022 is off to a good start for you! :)

    Away From The Blue

  18. I love your sampler, it is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing your completed sweater, I bet it is amazing.

    My weekend was a good one, pottering around the house, doing a multitude of small jobs that have been backing up, as those small jobs do!

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  19. The baby sampler is adorable Karen and such a wonderful gift to the parents to be. Enjoy the remainder of the week.

  20. Those little bits are super cute. Last week was the usual. I've been crafting here and there, I think my focus was on my dress. I had to suck it up and do the handstitching because of how narrow the fabric became for turning over.


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