

Good morning! How was your weekend?

Well now, do I have a plot twist for you. Our plans to meet our little grandson were abruptly canceled due to my husband coming down with a stomach virus. So now we will meet him briefly at the baptism early March and then have a nice longer meet during mid March. 

I was so disappointed. However, no one wants a stomach bug! So far, I am feeling good and my husband is well on the road to recovery. I believe I'm living on sanitizing fumes, ha ha ha.  

One other plot twist, last night my knee started to hurt and so I'm babying that. I might message the RA doctor just to see what she thinks about it. It might be tendonitis (if my diagnosing is correct....). 

In between all the happenings and cleaning, I read a lot and knitted a lot.  I also did my fair share of laundry and hand washing some hand knit sweaters.

The weather has been all over the place. It snowed, it melted, it snowed it melted again. All I can say for sure is that the robins are singing and it sounds like spring is just around the corner!

How was your weekend?


  1. I am so sorry that your hubby was ill! (and even more sorry your trip to visit your new grandson was pushed back!)

    I hope your knee is on the mend soon!

  2. I'm sorry your husband got sick and that you didn't get to meet your grandson. Sending hugs.

  3. I'm doubly sorry - for your canceled visit and for your husband's stomach virus. March will be her before you know it!

  4. Hopefully, the bug has left you home and doesn't come back to visit again. It is sad you didn't get to meet your baby. Meeting him at his baptism sounds pretty special.

  5. A stomach bug is not fun - especially when it means a delay in meeting your new grandson. So glad you will be able to attend the baptism and then get to know him even more later in March. I hope your knee is feeling much better soon. That book you are reading looks interesting. Have a good week and I will see you again soon.

  6. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery.
    Sorry you couldn't go meet you new grand baby.
    The weather is just crazy!

  7. So sorry to hear of your disappointment, I do hope your husband is feeling better soon. I also hope you can get answers about your knee soon, it sounds painful. It does feel like Spring is on its way now doesn't, those subtle changes are there.

  8. So sorry your hubby got sick and sorry the trip had to be delayed too. I can only imagine how disappointed you were. I'm glad you will be able to get there very soon. Hope your knee feels better soon!

  9. Oh, I am so sorry you didn't get to meet your new grandbaby! That is disappointing.
    Our weather is the same. 70 degrees today, freezing rain beginning late tomorrow night. I am so over this winter!
    My weekend was a knitting frenzy. Much warmer but so windy you couldn't be out without some sort of hat to hold your hair on! LOL!
    I hope your knee gets to feeling better!!!

  10. Well darn it anyway. I am sorry your husband picked up a bug and that it delayed your trip to meet your new grandson. March isn't very far away though. Take good care of that knee. I hope you stay well.

  11. Oh so sorry that you were unable to meet your grandson. I am glad to hear that you were spared the stomach bug and that your husband is feeling better. The weather has been all over the place here also. I hope you knee feels better soon.

  12. oh so sorry for the disappointments! I hope your knee is better soon! God bless all of you!

  13. So sorry to hear about your cancelled trip, but glad you didn't catch the flu! We had a fun walk yesterday at a nearby park that contained the remains of the oldest tree in our county..600 years and 26+ feet around! I need to check out your book; I just finished The Last Green Valley by Mark Sullivan which was about what happened in the Ukraine during WWII, so sad and scary that there's still so much unrest there.

  14. Hi Karen,
    ...that's too bad that you didn't get to see your grandbaby...but Baptisms are awesome so I'm sure you're looking forward to that...I hope your husband feels better and that your knee does too...I'm going to see if I can make that book fit on my Read Harder list...haha...I wish I'd seen it before I read the Bookseller of Kabul...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  15. Aw, snap; poop on the stomach virus. Sorry you had to cancel. Hope it was a smooth recovery for your husband and hope your knee is doing better by now.


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