

Good morning! How was your weekend?

Mine was really nice. Each day that comes and goes I feel more like myself. Thanks for all the well wishes on feeling better. Nothing like a virus bug to make you appreciate feeling as your regular self.

This weekend was snow, then melting snow, then crazy winds. I managed to do a walk both on Saturday and Sunday. While winter keeps showing itself with snow dustings, the birds are singing away heralding in SPRING.

Yesterday was the weekly chores which tired me out a bit. I love the result of a clean house so it was worth the physical exertion. My knitting continues to be minimal and I'm hoping now that I feel better I can start ramping up my knitting progress.

How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a good weekend. I mostly cooked. I wanted to walk, but the wind stopped me. Holly is so pretty...and big! Hard to remember how tiny she was when she came into your home. How is the Alice Munro book?

    1. The book is 'okay' I cannot remember when I picked this up but I want to read it and move it along into the world and make room on my shelves.

  2. I cooked this weekend as well... lots of cooking, sigh. :)

    But I loved the sunshine and the rain and milder temps!

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better and could get out for a few walks. We took a long walk on Sunday, but the best thing of all was that we didn't have to drive to MD!

  4. You weekend sound productive and pleasant. Do you find the weather on the side of PA you are now, very different from where you came from? I spent most if my weekend playing catch up on the little things that get pushed aside when remodeling. But there was still time for cross stitching ea h day. Holly looks quite content.

  5. I see the bird flying about and it makes me happy to think spring is around the corner.
    Happy to hear you are feeling better.

  6. Your weekend sounds just perfect. It was really sunny here and felt rather spring like ( we have gone back to cold and rain today ) I loved the fact that I got two loads of washing dry one each day over the weekend. I hope your week is filled with lovely things including knitting.

  7. We had a nice weekend and a nice walk in the sunshine on Saturday. Since then though it's been nothing but rain that is setting records for today, the most on that date since 1972! So glad you're feeling better.

  8. So glad you are feeling better! Yes, nothing like being sick to make you appreciate your normalness. I've been working very hard to get my daughter's sweater done. I'm so afraid of it right now. Some of my stitches look ANGRY...LOL! Hope blocking it will help. I'm rooting for the BIRDS come on Spring time!

  9. The birds were busy in our neighborhood today. The sun is out and the weekend was mild. We took some nice walks and I made a little more progress on my sweater. I'm glad you are feeling better.

  10. So glad you are doing better. Our weather is warming up again after a cold weekend. Hope you have a good week.

  11. Glad you are on th he mend! Today is a rest day for me after a busy NYC errand day yesterday

  12. Nice to see Holly. I assume because Frodo is always by your side, she doesn't want to cuddle beside you? Minnie has been choosing to sleep in her mama's bed on the special pillow for whenever she's finished eating or isn't fly hunting.
    Oh, and wanted to say about Frodo in the last post, what a great memory neighborhood kids will have of him. They'll always remember the dog checking them out from the window by the bus stop.

  13. Hi Karen,
    ...so glad you're on the mend...and I agree about the clean spaces...
    ~Have a lovely day!


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