Knitting News

I'm chucking over my post title 'knitting news' when there is barely any news at all. Since I was ill most of last week, I managed maybe to knit a row or two each day if that. Each day my fatigue is less and my energy improves. I'm hopeful I can finish these socks for my husband by the weekend. 

The first photo is a gift cowl from the generous left overs of my first cowl. I'm pretty sure I have enough yarn but we'll see as I progress. I know I can rejigger the pattern if need be to accommodate the left over yardage.

What are you working on this week?


  1. I like your sock yarn! Beautiful almost striping! :) (and lucky recipient of that gift cowl!)

  2. Warm socks and gift cowls are always welcome and lovely to knit. I'm trying to finish a Hitchhiker so I can finally finish my Antler cardigan.

  3. So good to hear that you are feeling better daily. Take it easy and don't do too much. The socks are just so pretty (handsome) - love that yarn. And the gift cowl will be appreciated, I'm sure. I need to start a new knitting project - the problem is choosing what to do!

  4. I love that sock yarn. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little better, I hope you continue to be so this week.

  5. OMGosh, I didn't catch you were sick too! I thought it was just your spouse. I'm so sorry you had to deal with bug yourself. Rest is best. Rest is self-care and you deserve it.
    This week is going by fast. I love that it's Hump Day b/c Thursday always feels like Friday since my spouse is home Fridays.

  6. The gray yarn is such a soft pretty color. I'm still chugging along on a cardigan and a cowl. I have a shawl on the needles but it hasn't had much love lately.

  7. So glad you're feeling better! And every little bit of knitting counts and adds to the finish. That cowl is going to be pretty; what pattern are you using? And good luck reaching your Friday finish! I'm working on hats for charity lately and a shawl that only gets one small section a day before it makes me crazy! And then there are the socks. Yep, way too many starts, and too few finishes. Sigh.

  8. Glad you're on the mend! Don't overdo it- but I understand the pull when you have such beautiful projects on the needles! :)

  9. That's beautiful sock yarn. I fidd1ed with some bunnies. 2 came out very cute. Now I'm headed back to my finger1ess socks. On the OTHER need1es are grandma's booties!


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