The Visit


Hello! How was your week? 

My husband and I went to Indiana to visit our son, daughter-in-law and the brand new grandson. We had a wonderful time. Of course there was unending baby time. Lots and lots of holding, snuggling and soothing.

We ate out way too much but it was a fun diversion to always eating at home. We walked many of their local parks to get some fresh air and to get our wiggles out. The weather was gorgeous!! We did a little bit of window shopping in town as well.

The trip and visit was fantastic, but you know me. Home sweet home is the best. I was thrilled to be in my own bed last night, waking up and heading to my kitchen for the perfectly brewed cup of coffee, sitting in my kitchen. Maybe traveling makes me appreciate the little things all the more!

I barely knit a stitch or read a sentence while visiting even though I brought a hefty 'activity' bag.


  1. So glad you were able to make that visit. I love that picture of you snuggling your sweet grandson. Grandchildren are such a blessing. Glad you are safely home. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Visits are nice but home is best. Hiw sweet it that baby boy.

  3. What an adorable little baby. So glad you enjoyed your visit and got plenty of snuggles in.

  4. So happy for you and your hubby that you were able to visit. Sweet, sweet picture of you and the baby snuggling. and, glad you are home again safely.

  5. Baby snuggles are the best! So nice you got to spend time with your grandson too :)

    Hope you're having a great weekend :) We went to a birthday party yesterday which was fun.

    Away From The Blue

  6. He is adorable, such a gorgeous photo of him with you. Thrilled you were able to spend some quality time with him creating memories for when you are apart. Home sweet home always the best.

  7. So nice you got to hold that grand baby! Enjoy every minute with him as they grow up way too fast. Somehow our first grandson is a junior in high school already, and it seems like yesterday that I had him in my arms. Thanks to COVID we've not been to Chicago in too long a time, but we did have a family reunion last summer here in Chelan.

  8. What a wonderful way to spend your week. Gorgeous photo of you with your grandson.

  9. What joy grandchildren bring to our lives. You and your new little guy look very comfortable together. And welcome home.

  10. What bliss you had spending time with your grandson!


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