

My weekend consisted of playing catchup from our traveling days with bill paying and my off-scheduled laundering of clothes. On Saturday morning, I received my first shingles vaccine and was thrilled that the reaction was minimal. I actually made a menu plan for the week usually I fly by the seat of my pants. 

I read a lot over the weekend making up for all the time I did not read while visiting our son and his family. This weekend, I fully appreciated my bed and my coffeemaker and not sleeping in a hotel room with noisy people outside. I live in a quiet neighborhood which is wonderful!

How was your weekend?


  1. Playing catch up is all worth it when you realize the reason is because you got to be with your grand baby. We had company all weekend and I ended up in an RA flare. Luckily the flare was only 1 day and I am back to normal again. You are the first person that said your shingles vaccine did not cause much issue. I have been putting off getting mine because of the side effects everyone I know has had. Let us know how you fair after your second one.

  2. Reading catch up is just the best, isn't it? (I had refrigerator woes all weekend!)

  3. It's nice to be able to travel and visit again, and equally nice to come home! And once you've caught up, you get to feel virtuous and satisfied about that also.

  4. Sounds like a good weekend to me. Glad your reaction to the Shingles vaccine is mild. I need to get that. And yay for reading - glad you are catching up on that!

  5. Looks like you are reading some interesting books! Glad to hear you got your first shingles shot; that prevents a nasty disease. I remember when a friend from choir stood up and urged everyone to get theirs as she had had it and even got them in her hair! Our weekend was pretty uneventful although DH is sorting through lots of our family photos which has been interesting and seemingly unending. Lots of rain here, too. Happy Spring! I love to see those pretty flowers after the dreary, wet days of winter!

  6. Sounds idyllic, always nice to have a quiet weekend at home.

  7. Your weekend sounds wonderful after your busy week. Mine was rather wonderful spent with 14 members of my extended family, it was busy and very tiring but such fun.

  8. Sounds like such a nice weekend. So glad your first shingles shot went OK, but be warned that it is the second shot that can really "kick your b*tt." That was my experience, but I am still glad I got the shot. My younger sister almost died from shingles. The shingles went up her brain caused a stroke. Getting the vaccine is a good idea.

  9. Hi Karen,
    ...I'm really glad the effects your shingles shot were minimal...that one really knocked me for a loop...haha...how are you liking the Rachel Simon book?...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I am enjoying very much, I was skeptical when I first started reading but it's pretty good!

  10. Our weekend had a few first guests since Covid began. So good to be with them. Karen do I have your emai1? Im HUCKMOM on Rav if you wANT TO GIVE IT TO ME THERE.

  11. What a nice weekend. Catching up at home is the best and hooray for minimal reaction to the Shingles vaccine. Better a few side effects than a full blown case of Shingles though.

  12. Our neighborhood is generally quiet and the occasional passing train that's two sections over doesn't bother us. It smells good in our house right now; stufffed pork tenderloin, a recipe by Dinner at the Zoo, is roasting away.


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