

How was your weekend?

Mine was SNOWY. Goodness, just when I'm easing into springtime and blossoms and a feeling of renewal, Mother Nature gives her attitude adjustment. The views of beautiful! Frodo is back to shivering instead of strutting around with confidence knowing his coat-wearing days are over and I am begrudgingly wearing a winter coat. 

My weekend wonderfully ordinary. Lots of knitting and reading, what could be better? 

(BTW Holly is not really as angry as she appears in the photo. She is wondering why I am taking a photo of her!)


  1. We only had snow flurries here, but it was certainly cold and windy. Today is colder and windier - a good day to stay inside and knit!

  2. LOL - what a funny picture of Holly!! We had flurries and the temps dropped! But April is coming by the end of the week - there is hope!

  3. We had a warm weekend and I think we even set a new record high. We may get some rain this week. Meteorologist on TV says we are probably done with snow for the year. Holly looks perplexed. Have a good week.

  4. Holly's face is priceless. So much character there. Poor Frodo. He just wants to go outside au natural. Rain is coming for us tonight which will bring our temps back down to spring like temps. (70-80). Our mountains are expecting upwards to a foot of snow though.

  5. dismayed by the weather here as well. We had hail on Sunday. Like what?

  6. Oh that silly March... that snow was just not fun! (but Friday's forecast is inspiring me!)

  7. Wow! I LOVE the photo of the birdfeeder in the snow. Hopefully it warms up soon. Glad you got in some knitting time.

  8. Snow? Yikes! Sure hope that doesn't happen here as our spring flowers are out in force and probably wouldn't survive the cold. Hope you get some warmer weather soon!

  9. Look at all that snow! I'm still wearing my winter coat to walk in the mornings, but I can go out later in the day with just a sweater and a jacket. Marc washed his hat and gloves last week and will have to do it again ... maybe by mid-April we'll have spring here to stay!

  10. I love the snowy photo. We had a few flurries last week but nothing stuck. I just was out back to dump some compost and noticed a bud in the daffodils. We are having temps below freezing overnight most of the week. Oh dear. The weekend was nice. We are back to in-person church and the music was beautiful.

  11. Oh my! It's been cold here but thankfully not snowy! Going to be 64 today. I wish she would make up her mind what she's going to do! I would love a weekend of reading and knitting. I haven't knitted much since I moved. Sad but true. Too many things to get done. Most of my "reading" is audio books and I work. Well, I hope it warms up where you are and you have a wonderful week!

  12. Arh her sweet face. We were together with my eldest son for Mother's Day. After church we walked with the dog, cooked pizza and watched F1 Grand Prix. I crocheted some more of my blanket and enjoyed a lovely sunny day x

  13. We have snow forecast for this week too, after the wonderful warmth and sunshine last week it is a bit of shock to have such a drop in temperatures. My weekend was full of enjoying the sunshine, I had a whole day out dealing with the garden, it looks a lot tidier now.

  14. We had a few flurries, but thankfully nothing more than that. I am not happy with the below freezing temps we have been experiencing though. Holly doesn't like her photo taken obviously.

  15. Hi Karen,
    ...wow...snow...we do sometimes see snow here in March...but not usually...your kitty does look angry...haha...our Kitten USUALLY looks angry...hahaha...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  16. LOL, that Holly pic. She has pretty eyes like our Minnie. Your snowy photo is picturesque. We are slowly warming up here. Tomorrow is supposed to 84 and Thursday 90!


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