

I've written about my morning routine many times but I thought why not touch upon it once more. I love to get up early in the morning, drink my tea and journal about the day before. Mostly it's about events, thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I rant but try not to very much. At the end of each entry I write my gratitude list. Frequently it's about family and friends, coffee and tea, quiet pockets in my day. The more ordinary the gratitude the more I feel peace.

The past two to three weeks have been wonky here. I've been having health symptom issues that I thought were medication changes for my blood pressure. An EKG was slightly abnormal which referred me to a cardiologist. While waiting for that appointment I visited ER to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack (I was NOT). I met the cardiologist last week and he thought I was 'fine' but ordered a stress test anyways.

I did the stress test on Monday and thought I passed! But then I got a call from the office for a cardiac ct scan which I completed yesterday (stress test not passed I guess). Now I'm waiting for the cardiologist to call me with those results and or treatment plan. I am hoping it is just more meds to take and a relationship with a cardiologist. 

All of this reminds me to return to my routines and focus on what brings me joy. Waiting is hard for me, I want to google things but that increases my stress levels. 

I'll keep you updated when I know everything there is to know!


  1. Sending you all good wishes for good health! You're several steps ahead of me, but I went to my primary care provider yesterday, they did an EKG, said it was fine, called me when I got home and said it was not fine, and I needed a stress test. That took a bunch of calls to the insurance company to get it okayed, and now I have to pick up the order on Tuesday and schedule it. So I haven't done the stress test yet, and no cardiac ct so far, but I'm keeping you company with some concern and waiting. Do not google; I did and it was a mistake!

  2. Oh my, Karen! I shall hold you close in thought and prayer my friend!

  3. Oh! Sorry to read this. Sending all the healing well wishes to you. I hope all is ok.

  4. Oh dear Karen, this has got me thinking as I live in the UK. We have free medical healthcare through the NHS, of course you could opt for private medical care but that is not without complications eg if you had a heart condition and went private for that operation, all aftercare for that issue would follow through on private only. That info may have changed as we've moved counties and it varies. In Britain the NHS sight is the only sensible non scary website that is promoted by Doctors to view health concerns. As you've said randomly looking on google can be frightening. The NHS prides itself on preventative health care but it's rare you ever get checked out unless you ask. Obviously there are routine tests for women eg Smear, Mammograms etc but few for heart checks unless you've a Doctors appointment and they suggest checking blood pressure. I'll pray that you have peace and the results are soon and good. Cx

  5. Definitely thinking of you today; the not knowing can be very stressful!

  6. Waiting is hard. I'm holding good thoughts for you as you sort all of this out. Returning to a routine is comforting. Strangely, or maybe not, the other thing that helps me (besides a nice garter stitch project) is to tidy and organize. I'm sure that has to do with establishing some control. Your sketch/watercolor is very pretty.

  7. Hi Karen. I sure hope that you have have a condition that is easily treated. At our ages, having some health concerns is something that is to be expected. Waiting for results of health tests if always hard. I hope that returning to your routine gives you a sense of peace. I get up early to read, pray and exercise as well. I love the watercolor. Have a good weekend.

  8. Your morning routine sounds lovely and so peaceful. Sending you lots of good wishes.

    With love from,
    Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

  9. O dear, I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you've had some good ( or at least helpful ) news by now and wish you all the best !

  10. Golly gee......I have added you to my prayer list. Your morning routine is almost exactly like mine. (I drink water instead of tea.) The quiet mornings are my favorite time of day.

  11. Hi Karen,
    ...your watercolour is pretty...I wish you all the best with your's stressful I'm sounds like you're focusing on the positive though...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  12. Karen, I'm keeping you in my prayers. xoxo

  13. Thankful for routines. Sending the very best results for you. I know not how many times my daily morning practice of solitude and quiet time: reading, writing, giving thanks has helped me through tough times. Sending good thoughts your way. And I love your sketch. Cheers~

  14. I am so very sorry to hear this Karen, what a huge worry for you. I hope the waiting is not too awful and you get answers soon.

  15. Sending HUGS your way. Thank you for entrusting us with your news. :)

  16. Prayers for good test results. And Googling is not good, I agree. Your routine sounds lovely.


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