

Good morning! How are you on this wonderful Monday morning?

The weekend was pretty good. I didn't do anything super exciting which is fine by me. The weather was fabulous on Saturday and super drippy rainy on Sunday. 

I am thoroughly loving the flowering dogwood trees in the back yard. I've shared with you one photo but gosh my phone has so many. All of a sudden everything is green! Trees, bushes and lawns, the beginnings of the month of May are simply the best. 

I worked a tiny bit on the cross stitch project which is so challenging for me since it's on linen. I know some of you say to keep at it but at one point I wanted to scrap the whole project and start over on Aida cloth. I resisted and will keep going.

Sunday was all day rain and some rumbly thunder. I put on some piano music for Frodo and it seemed he didn't hear the thundering (he is afraid of thunder!). I might be onto something good.

How was your weekend?


  1. Lovely stitching! The sunrise this morning was so lovely as well!

  2. The stitching is lovely, but if working on it is overly aggravating it might be time to switch. We've got the thunder and drippy rain today, so maybe I'll try some piano music!

  3. Your stitching looks lovely. I love stitching on linen...not so much on aida. For me, the holes in aida jump around (it's my eyes), but with linen it seems as though my needle knows exactly where to go! But, you should do whatever works best for you. Your dogwoods are so beautiful!

  4. I would love some of your drippy rain and thunder. It us so dry here with only 7% humidity. Working on linen us not for whimps lol. IMO, it looks a lot like petite point when completed.

  5. I LOVE dogwood! Ours are blooming, too. It's rainy again here today, but we had a nice dry weekend for once and even went to a BBQ at our nearby daughter's house. For some reason thunder and lightning are rare here. Your X-stitch is going to be very nice, and you're right that working on linen is challenging, so hang in there! I sure have quite a few of those unfinished projects though. :>) Have a great week!

  6. You have a lovely yard. Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend. So glad you found that music helps Frodo not be afraid of thunder. I hope you have a good week.

  7. I'm always amazed by people's cross stitch. My needlework skills are shaky at best, and I always love seeing what creative things people have made with a whole bunch of x's! It's been rainy and wet for weeks here, which is comforting in some ways (we had a close forest fire last year) but a bit tiring when all you want is a bit of warmth and sunshine.

  8. Beautiful weekend in Missouri and full of work! LOL! There is always something to do on our little homestead.
    I love the pictures of the dogwood trees in your back yard! Enjoy seeing your craftiness as well! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Such a lovely photo Karen, I miss seeing the dogwood trees bloom. We didn’t do much this past weekend either, which was perfect for me. Love your stitching project 😊

  10. I love how everything suddenly springs to life at this time of the year. I've stitched on linen a few times and although it is a struggle to start with your eye will soon get used to seeing the correct squares.

  11. Arh no, poor Frodo. I really love a good thunderstorm. Our previous cats and dog all hated thunder, it was awful for them. I think you can get plug-ins to emit calming meds, I also saw at the vets they stocked wipes for soothing on pet fur. Thankfully Angus is quite chilled about storms but I do sympathize. Cx

  12. Your cross stich house is coming along nicely. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend.

  13. I don't think I could work on linen any more - at least I'd need a magnifying glass. I love your little house though. Your yard looks beautiful.

  14. Your dogwoods are beautiful. I think your stitching is very pretty. I understand your dislike of linen. I am so glad that the piano music seems to distract Frodo.

  15. I love that your yard is now all lush and green, it is a wonderful transformation every year isn't it. I love your stitching so neat.

  16. Hi Karen,
    ...your cross stitch is turning out great...we had a wedding over the weekend and gorgeous weather for it...and a little bit of yardwork...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  17. I don't know how ppl stitch on linen; Aida is so much easier for me. I like that top view of Frodo. My youngest wants to walk her cat about outside; I told her she would need flea & tick medicine. She told me her friend's cat has a flea collar.


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