One Year Ago


A few days ago my ONE peony blossomed. Our neighbor gave us three peony plants, one survived through the winter and gave us a pretty show. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers but really many many flowers are my favorites whenever they bloom. Can you believe it is June? I cannot. 

This time last year I was packing up a house we lived in for sixteen years, donating many belongings to lighten the load. That weird mindset 'I'm never going to hoard stuff again' has waned. I do buy the occasional used book knowing that each one I purchase might lead to a slippery slope of accumulation. 

While I knit from my stash I still buy more yarn, I hope that it's at a slower rate but it is not stopping me from visiting yarn stores and keeping them in business. It's what knitters gotta do.

One year ago I was frantically checking a list making sure the selling of the old house was on track and the purchasing of the new house was on track. I romantically daydreamed of boring days of not packing. I also would watch you tube clips of people cleaning their house as my house became a disaster zone (weird huh?). Seeing someone's clean space made me happy.

This week I had a string of days that were ordinary. How delightful! I exercised, I walked, I cleaned up the morning kitchen dishes. I rummaged through yarn stash and started a sweater (that's the photo below). During my lunch on the back patio the resident chipmunks chase each other under the table, the wind blew my wind chimes, birds patiently took turns at the bird feeder.  While outside with Frodo in the early evening, I spied the deer in the back yard watching me watch them. 

The Ordinary is comforting.

My Ordinary Love List: -green tea -  watercoloring - phone calls from the kids - photos of my grandson -  sister outings! -  BIG salads - Frodo snuggles - starting a knitting project - finishing a knitting project - the kindness of others - saying 'hey' to the neighbors on my morning walks - watermelon - blueberries - daydreaming - museums - not packing and moving a house

What would make your ordinary love list?


  1. I also cherish the ordinary, not doing very well in chaos and tumult. Lately, it seems as if that's where I find myself too often, so my list will definitely include simplifying (in as many ways as possible)!

  2. Ordinary can be so blissful. Solitary walks, sittng on the patio in the late afternoon with a glass of wine, my first cup of coffee in the morning. Ordinary pleasures. Have a great weekend. That is one gorgeous peony!

  3. Ordinary loves: baking bread, reading, knitting, indoor gardening, swimming in my pool, being with family, helping out friends and family, going to Mass.

  4. Your page of birds is so pretty. I like the ordinary days also. I like the color of the yarn you are using for your latest sweater. I look forward to watching your progress.

  5. Ordinary days filled with the things and people we love are the best. Hope you have a good and relaxing weekend. :-)

  6. I too love the ordinary. What would make it to my list? Sunshine, blue skies, watching the birds from the window, seedlings, clean water to drink, knitting, time to rest, time with family.

    Your peony looks just like ours, it had the most beautiful flowers on it this week but heavy rain last night has all but destroyed them now :(

  7. Ordinary is the best! Love your watercolor and that peony is gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend 😊

  8. A year ago we were also in our old home. I miss our peonies and guess I will have to get some for our new home.
    Darling chickadee paintings!

  9. The cowl and peony are lovely and I love the birds …one of these days I hope to master “drawing a bird.” Practice I’m sure…

  10. What a nice drawing of the birds. Give me the ordinary days. My list - the sound of a bird chirping, a house finch and chickadee sharing the feeder, a cup of morning coffee with oat milk, a knitting project, Face Time with my family, a good book, a walk in the neighborhood, one chore to make me feel useful.

  11. Wow, has it been a year? already?! Ordinary love for me would include a quiet morning with a book and my journal, a good walk, and some after-dinner TV with Marc and my knitting.

  12. I need to get back to knitting. Sewing has taken a priority of late.


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