Weekends and More


Good morning! Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do so grab your tea or coffee and let's begin! Last Wednesday our son, daughter in law and GRANDSON arrived for a three day visit! We haven't seen them since March and the visit was fantastic. Our little guy was friendly and full of smiles after a brief 'who the heck are you' look that was priceless. I fed him many bottles and changed very few diapers. (that is a great visit) They left on Saturday morning and I miss all of them already.

I forgot how tiring babies can be and cannot remember where I had the energy to keep up with them. It took me 48 hours to recover from their stay. During their visit we went to the zoo and we had a family get together at our house. The other set of grandparents were able to attend and we had a grand time doting on the baby.

Holly does NOT like babies. She hid under our bed until they were all asleep each day then came out begrudgingly.  Poor Holly!! Frodo thought the baby was here to play with him so he barked a lot (annoying terrier). Below is a photo of me receiving my first pair of Birkenstocks from mail order. Let me tell you it's quite a challenge to get used to them but boy oh boy do my feet love them. I have two pairs now.

At the zoo my husband took the perfect photo of my favorite animal -- pink flamingoes!!

I am battling some fierce allergies, so we took a walk on the trail behind our house. It's called 'forest bathing' now. I'm sure forest bathing wasn't a great idea for allergies though.  Today will be an inside day to recover from all that nature exposure. I have no idea what is out there because according to the internet nothing is out there, but my nose and lungs beg to differ.

Last but not least is a photo of Frodo who did the forest bathing walk that ended up to be 2 miles. It was a long walk for hm but he did it! 

I forgot to tell you about the very first photo, do you remember how I have stopped feeding the birds because of the raccoon? Well I think little Miss Raccoon had two babies (my best guess) and I spotted them lounging up in a tree in our back yard. Let's hope they grow up and leave so I can resume feeding the birds in the late fall!!

How are you? how was your weekend?


  1. What a great visit! (and I am with you on the allergies... they are still out there!) Happy Monday!

  2. Allergies seem to be fierce this year. Love that you had such a great visit with the Grand!! The flamingo picture is wonderful and I see the baby raccoons. Sweet (but a nuisance, I know).

  3. What a wonderful visit you had! I'm glad the baby raccoons are in the tree and not in your attic. That happened to us one year and they were a nuisance to get rif of!

  4. What a fantastic weekend you h ad. I have never heard of forest bathing before. Doesn't sound like it is something folks with allergies should do often. I tried Birkenstocks once. But the RA has deformed my feet to the point they can not fit in them. Darn! Frodo did well on his 2 mile walk. Lots of spunk in that little dude.

  5. Hello! What a wonderful visit!!!! And you know, allergies are so bad here in PA too. I don't understand because I was never bothered by them in July! Have a cozy afternoon!

  6. Im so glad you got to spend time with your grandson! I hope the allergies get better soon.

  7. Sorry to hear about your allergies. Crazy to be having them in the midst of summer. So happy to hear you got to spend some time with you baby and grandbaby. We had a 1 year old in our house for a couple of our yesterday and M and I sighed in relief when they left. Thanking God for that stage to be over. As cute as babies are they are a lot of work.

  8. Hi, You had such a great weekend with that sweet grandson. I love that trail you hiked. It looks so beautiful, but I am so sorry you had an allergic reaction. I love your Birkenstocks. I have always wanted to get some. I hope you have a great week. See you again soon. :-)

  9. It's been busy here, too, as the sun finally came out which makes for great walks and a nice time to travel. Enjoy those grand babies; they'll be teenagers before you even know it.

  10. so fun to read all this news (though sorry for the allergies). a grandson!!!!!! ohmygoodness, I'm so glad you had a good visit 💗

  11. How lovely to have your grandson to stay, sounds like you have a wonderful time together.

  12. What a delightful surprise, Karen - I'm so glad you had such a great visit (and hope by now you've recovered ... even if you're still missing everyone). I had a nice lowkey weekend - and got to see my grandsons, too :-)

  13. What a great weekend. I am glad you had such a nice visit. Wonderful photos of the wildlife, you, and the babe.


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