

Good morning! How was your weekend?

On Saturday we all went up to my dad's place to celebrate his 81st birthday. We had a lovely lunch that was like a dinner - grilled salmon and roasted vegetables along with a bean salad and watermelon - yum. We ended up having beautiful weather (not hot).

My cold is mostly gone but I'm still tired. I have high hopes that this week I will be back to my exercising routines. I've been walking daily with Frodo and that is pushing it! On Sunday, I worked in my art journal creating some spreads and tinkering around with my endless supply of stickers. On the right hand page on my art journal, the teeny tiny paper pocket was made by my sister, isn't she talented?

After a dry spell, Mother Nature has gifted us with drizzly rain - what a delightful change!!

How was your glorious weekend?


  1. Your weekend sounds nice and relaxing. Your journals are always so intriguing to me. We had a good weekend doing summery things. Getting much needed rain today.

  2. Happy Birthday to your father! I do like that little pocket, and I love that you have rain. We could really use some here.

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad! :) This rain... it makes my heart sing!

  4. That is a sweet picture of you and your dad. So glad you could be with him on his birthday. Lovely that you got some rain. Yes, your sister is talented, just like you. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  5. Sounds like a nice celebration! We took an unplanned really long walk yesterday, but the highlight of our recent walks was seeing those owls. And we had a surprise rain last night, so no watering jobs for us today. Hurrah!

  6. Happy birthday to your dad! I am very impressed by your art journal. I always wanted to have one but I lack the initiative and consistency to make it worthwhile. I love seeing other people’s journals when I can!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Dad!! I'm another who is envious of your rain...we keep hearing we may get some and then it misses us....it is hot and so humid. Feels like you could cut the air with a knife!

  8. Happy Birthday to your Dad!!! Getting some rain here in PA today. SO needed! Have a cozy evening!

  9. Hi Karen,
    ...so glad you got to visit with your Dad...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  10. Happy Birthday to your dad. We to had a little drizzle, we need much more.

  11. Such a good picture of you and your dad, Karen! Glad you were able to celebrate his 81st birthday with him.

  12. What a great photo of you + your dad! He looks younger than 81 to me. It was hot + humid this weekend! We got much needed rain last night and today in upstate NY.

  13. Happy Birthday to your Dad. I love the peek into your art journal.


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