

Maybe, just maybe I have regained my energy levels after the trip to Cambridge MA last weekend. I've been knitting furiously both Saturday and Sunday thoroughly enjoying a burst of creative energy from the cold weather we are having and will continue to have this week.

Saturday morning I wore wool on my walk, first time of the season! 

Holly have been a little devil over the weekend. She keeps sneaking up on Frodo. Most of the time he is asleep but she thinks it's great fun! She is living her best life. Frodo is too. 

I started knitting Christmas gifts for my grandson and my grand nephew. Almost done!!

My weekend contained: -homemade chicken noodle soup - lunch out with my dad and step mom - daily walks with Frodo in the chilly air - lots of reading - lots of knitting - a phone call from our son - watching PBS.org 'the US and the Holocaust' documentary by Ken Burns (highly recommend!) - four loads of laundry - a squeaky clean kitchen floor - apple cake - 

How was your weekend?


  1. Those little hats are way too cute! They will make lovely gifts. It is chilly here, but not yet hat weather. My weekend was filled with vacation prep!

  2. There is a fall chill in the air in the mornings, but it is still warming up nicely during the day. I've waited all summer for this, so I'm glad to see it finally arrive. Time to make soup and bake bread and knit warm cute hats!

  3. I am loving this weather! It is really awesome! Those are cute hats! :)

  4. Oh your weekend sounds perfect to me! I wish I could knit! My Gram could, and I wish I would have spent time with her learning how. Enjoy these beautiful fall days!

  5. What a lively weekend you had. I am pretending it is chilly here and have been busy in the kitchen baking up yummy goodness. My sourdough starter has been taken out of the fridge, after a 5 month stay there. It has been fed and today it is being made into a loaf of bread.

  6. Gorgeous hat pattern ;). I was on a course all weekend so it kind of passed me by. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend at home but I am not going to get that for a few weeks yet. It will be very welcome when it finally comes around.

  7. I have heard lots of good things about that Ken Burns documentary. I hope we can catch it on a replay. I love your hat. You look great it. Sounds like you will be all reading for Christmas in no time! ;-) Have a good week. See you again soon!

  8. My weekend was church, baseball, and reading. I'm looking forward to knitting again ... soon!

  9. Those little hats will be darling. We went to church and a concert in the sanctuary on Sunday afternoon. Saturday we did some yard work - together which is shocking for us. We usually have separate projects. Some iris needed dividing, so my husband dug them up and spaded the ground while I pulled them apart and then replanted. The weather was gorgeous - not terribly cool but not hot either.

  10. We've been having wonderful, cooler fall weather too but it hasn't been close to requiring wool wear yet. Friday was wonderful. Everyone in our household had the evening off work and it got down into the upper 40's so we threw a firepit party. We all had fun and ate too many smores and then we all worked the rest of the weekend.

  11. Oh, such cute little hats! Sounds like a great weekend.

  12. Oh I love those hats. You knit much quicker than I do. Those are going to be cute. Enjoy your cooler weather.

  13. Hi Karen,
    ...that sounds like a wonderful weekend!...what a cute little hat too...
    ~Have a lovely day!


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