Knitting News


Good morning! How are you? 

All of my knitting goals that I eagerly set have been minimal.  I am having a flare up from the autoimmune disease I have (Sjogren's syndrome) this time it's my eyes that are very dry. I saw the eye doctor yesterday and have some new meds that will take a while to work. Anyways, my knitting isn't at full speed.

Okay, many of you are asking what is a cat blanket. My daughter has an elderly cat and I thought she might like a little blanket to lay on and then my daughter can just wash that instead of a whole quilt that the cat sleeps on. You and I both know that cats are surprising and maybe she won't lay on it at all. I'm definitely making two cat mat blankets or three if I'm adventurous.

The bottom photo is a hat for me! Yes I did it, I chose the beeswax hat pattern to pair with this gorgeous green wool. I am in love with this project!

What are you working on this week?


  1. Here's hoping your meds work soon and your eyes feel much better. They are necessary to knit, but I bet you can "feel" your knitting pretty well without looking.

  2. Oh, I hope your meds kick in soon! That hat is quite lovely!

  3. You hat pattern is really nuce. The color you have chosen reminds me of spring leaves. Hopefully the grandcats will appreciate those special mats you are making for them. May your Sjorgrens flare quiet down soon.

  4. That's a perfect pattern for that gorgeous yarn!
    I hope your eyes feel better soon.

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon! You're work is so lovely. You are inspiring me to take up knitting ♥

  6. Love that green! All I've been working on lately is keeping my sanity. I broke my thumb and can't hold my needles. I'm becoming a Very grumpy girl!

  7. What a beautiful shade of green. Take good care.

  8. I am very sorry to hear that you have had a flare up, that sounds really painful, I hope the new meds help. I love the colour of your hat yarn and the pattern is gorgeous.


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