Selfish Knitting, Maybe


I've been knitting away gleefully on projects that are for me. To be honest, I did cast on another pair of socks for my husband but I had a really good reason. All of my 'me' knitting needs my full attention and when I'm reading a book on my Kindle I require dead simple knitting. That is why I started a pair of socks. I could have made a pair for myself but my husband is hard on hand-knit socks and blows holes in them within 3-4 years (the best yarn is trekking XXL). I still have socks in my drawer that are 20 years old and do not have a single hole. Go figure! 

How are you? 

Winter weather has arrived here and it is beautiful! I know I am an oddball with my love of winter but golly, it never gets old for me. I've been a winter lover as long as I can remember. My mother (God rest her soul) loved summer and just could not understand my dedication to a season that chilled her to the bone. She would say 'wait until you have to drive in it' and so on. Even when I worked, and drove through the mess, I loved it so. I even love February, the most undesirable month considered by most people.

Don't get me wrong, yesterday's walk was 'brisk' and I was wishing that wind would calm down a tiny bit but I still was happy. 

Below is a photo of a hat for me, this is completely addictive knitting. Have a lovely weekend and if you live in a cold place, bundle up!


  1. I, too, love winter... but I am infinitely glad I am not a resident of Buffalo today! XO

  2. That hat is so pretty and of course I love your cup. I am working on loving real winter - mostly by adding more warm clothing to my wardrobe

  3. Your mug is lovely and there is nothing wrong with some selfish knitting (at least I hope not because I've started a second pair of socks for myself)!

  4. I enjoy selfish knitting too! Your mug is charming and gosh! like Kat said, I'm glad not to be living in Buffalo. I do love living where we have 4 seasons - I enjoy them all (some more than others!). The kids take off driving tonight from TX - I'm excited to see them again and to have them here for 4 whole weeks!!!

  5. I actually love all the seasons winter included. I could never like a single one more than another. I like your hat. I have made myself a few hats and I don't really like any of them.

  6. What a beautiful hat in a beautiful color of yarn. The mug is so sweet. Have a good weekend.

  7. The hat and your mug are fabulous! Count me in as a winter lover!

  8. I too love this time of year, our summers are not a hot as yours but I still love the Autumn, the colours this year have been gorgeous. Your hat is so lovely, the yarn is a beautiful colour.

  9. We got just a bit more snow that you, but the wind has made it much more difficult to enjoy being outdoors. I use rosehip oil on my face to keep me from being chapped.

    1. That was me! Also, that's an adorable mug...copious amounts of hot tea here.


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