

You know it's been a good weekend when there are only knitting photos involved. Sure I was cleaning the house and doing the weekly laundry but doesn't everyone have those tasks? While my husband was taking care of the oak leaves in the back yard I was winding some new wool for a future hat for me. 

I also started the second cat blanket for my daughter's cat! 

I'm still trying to decide which hat to knit. I'm close to a decision but I'm mulling it over before I cast on sometime this week. 

The weather was crazy warm, too warm for me but it was lovely to see people in shorts and flip-flops in November! Next weekend is supposed to be cold. I am so ready for regular November weather.

How was your weekend?


  1. It's always fun to see your knitting projects. The cat blanket is great! Our weather out here in Utah was cold with some wind and rain. More snow and rain is expected this week.

  2. I love when making is the center of the day! Happy Monday!

  3. A lovely knitting weekend (and it was too warm for November)!

  4. Pretty yarn for a hat! A Cat Blanket???

    1. Yes, I'm also wondering what a cat blanket is...a small one for a cat?

    2. yes a little blanket for an elderly cat to sleep on so my daughter can just wash a little thing instead of a huge quilt

  5. My knitting was paused for a lot of post storm leaf raking and a bit of painting. Love that yarn on your winder.

  6. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love the color of that yarn, that hat will be gorgeous o matter what pattern you choose.

  7. Our weather must have flipped with yours. We were in sweatshirts, jeans and hats. Very unusual for us this early. Hats are so fun to make. Quick knits for sure. Your daughters cat is going to love you.

  8. I always enjoy seeing your projects! We had quite a windstorm here that left lots of leaves and pine needles to rake. As for my projects, I did lots of ripping. Sigh.

  9. I envy your weekends of calm. Ours was crazy. It involved a house full of guests and an urgent care visit.

  10. Hello! I always enjoy seeing your projects! And I agree. It is way too warm for November! Have a cozy evening. : )

  11. I am glad to see you winding yarn for a project for yourself. We had beautiful fall weather - highs in the fifties. Just right for November, if a tad warm. The weekend was quiet. I ripped back Norah's scarf, drank coffee, and took some nice walks around the usual chores.

  12. I love winding yarn for a new project. Enjoy your knitting.

  13. Looking forward to seeing which hat you choose!
    I am loving the mild November weather!

  14. Your hat yarn is such a lovely colour, I expect it is all knitted and finished by now, just catching up on some blog reading!


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