

Hello! How was your weekend?

Don't you love the look Holly is giving? She is half asleep and half alert to Frodo's rustlings. My weekend was great because I celebrated my birthday over the weekend! I had a lovely time with my family and received some really nice gifts.

My husband bought me a new fountain pen (TWSBI ECO medium nib) and it's divine. I received some journaling supplies and of course more books to read. My sister made us dinner and a delicious apple cake for dessert. I'll be visiting a yarn store this week to supplement my knitting stash.

I also decided to start decorating the house. Yesterday, I managed to put out all the knick knacks. Today I hope to do the little tree. Each year it takes me longer to do the task, but it's fun! 

How was your weekend?


  1. Happy Belated Birthday and it looks like it was a good one! I haven't even thought about decorating yet, but at least I'll dust and vacuum for Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Birthday a bit late, but still sincere! It looks like your weekend was a good one all the way around.

  3. Happy belated birthday, Karen! I have not started the decorating yet... but this week the lights are going up outside! :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Karen! I too am in the mood to start decorating for Christmas, tough my Grandkids are oppose to this idea, "too soon "they tell me. Oye Vey

  5. Happy Birthday. wishing you much love and joy in the year ahead - make it a good one!! Your weekend looks and sounds lovely. Mine was good...a little of this and a little of that. Right now I am going to bundle up and go for a walk. It is SO SUNNY out!!! Chilly, but beautiful.

  6. Happy birthday fellow Scorpian. I celebrated my birthday this weekend too.

  7. Belated wishes for a happy birthday! It sounds like it was a blast!

  8. Belated Happy Birthday wishes. Looks like you had a lovely celebration. I like all of your Christmas Knick Knacks. We put our tree up over the weekend. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  9. Happy Birthday. As we get older, I decided we all get to celebrate a birthday month. Your house is looking very festive. Enjoy your trip to the yarn shop.

  10. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. It looks like you enjoyed your special day. I usually start decorating December 1st. My first item out is my Advent Calenday. Yes, it is getting more difficult each year to get the decorations out and displayed.

  11. Happy Birthday to you! Lovely and thoughtful gifts. Your home looks so festive! Have a cozy evening.

  12. Happy birthday! Sounds like a fantastic weekend and birthday. I am so ready to start our decorating. That is on this coming weekends to do list. Holly sure does keep a close watch on Frodo.

  13. Oooh, that box of goodies looks wonderful. My husband gave me a Minka fountain pen about 20 years ago that I adored. Recently, it's been harder to use, I think it needs a thorough soak to clean. I just finished a drawing for a family of their patron saints and learned of St Hermione, who was a healer!

  14. Belated happy birthday wishes to you, it sounds like you had a lovely birthday, your presents look wonderful too.


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