
This weekend was slow and easy. I'm still not feeling the best which makes canceling our travel plans to visit our grandson in Indiana the right decision. Our son face-timed me when our grandson had his first birthday cake. I was happy to witness his messy messy eating!! I am grateful for modern technology and being connected to those who live far away. Over the weekend, I did some mixed media art that is in the first photo and I did some watercoloring in the bottom photo. I've had weeks where I don't 'feel' like creating art. I've just accepted that it was a phase and I would want to get back to it eventually. Well this weekend was the weekend to feel excitement sitting with my papers and paints. We did drop in a local art store as well on Saturday and I snapped that street art. My husband and I bought a few things then headed home. Over all the weekend was lots of resting and recovering. How was your weekend?