Knitting News


Good morning! How are all of you doing?

I'm doing great, my dad continues to improve in the hospital and that makes each day a fabulous day.

The sweater I started a few days ago, is a sweater pattern I've knitted 5-6 times from an Ann Budd top down book. I wrote out my own specific instructions on a piece of loose leaf paper. I love when the past me helps the future me in knitting patterns. Yesterday while visiting my dad for the day in ICU, I made a lot of progress!

I started another pair of socks for my husband in a green-blue color way. Those also come along to the hospital as well and I add a few inches here and there. Sock knitting is comfort knitting.

The last project on the needles is the never-ending seashell shawl. I am so close to being finished but each row takes forever (feels like it). I believe this shawl will block beautifully once it's off the needles.

What are you working on this week?


  1. I'm sending continuing thoughts and prayers for your father's improvement. I love that you have a choice of hospital knitting, and socks are perfect!

  2. I am also holding your dad (and all of you) close in thought and prayer! I am happy to read he is improving! And what a blessing to be a knitter... it makes hospital visits productive! XO

  3. So good to hear your Dad is steadily improving and I was thinking how wonderful it is that you and your husband relocated to that area so that you are able to see him daily! Your knitting, as always, is so lovely. What yarn are you using for the new sock? It's so pretty.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad but so glad he is improving. I'd recently noticed that I was able to zero my email out daily which is not the norm. Then the other day I realized not a single person's blog has been coming to me for weeks now. I don't know what happened but it must have been big because Blogger won't allow me to log in anymore. I'm hoping I can find another way to have your blog auto sent to me. Meanwhile, happy knitting and prayers for your dad's continued improvement.

  5. I'm so glad your dad is improving. I love the yarn you are using you are using for the sweater...looks squishy....looking forward to seeing the progress.

  6. Sending prayers to you and your family! Your knitting is beautiful and I am glad you have it to keep yourself busy.

  7. I am so glad that your dad continues to improve. I find knitting to be soothing when visiting an ill loved one.

  8. I am holding good thoughts for all of you. I am glad you have your knitting with you at home and at the hospital. That shawl will be worth all of those long rows. It is such a pretty color.

  9. Both knitting pieces look good Karen. I'm pleased that your Dad's health is improving, that is good news x

  10. I'm so glad you have knitting to keep you company AND comforted ... and glad your dad is continuing to improve.

  11. So glad to hear that your dad's improving! Look like you have some fun projects to keep you busy.


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