Seashell Shawl


Last week I finished this lovely shawl that was in my knitting bag for almost a whole year. Yikes! As I suspected the magic is in the blocking. I love the simple design of a ribbing that slowly widens as well as the shawl looking like a seashell. A clever design.

I just might knit this pattern again but I would go up a needle size or maybe two needle sizes. Knitting on size 3 needles made the shawl take forever! 

Ravelry notes


  1. Oh my. That really turned out lovely. Blocking was the key to this shawl.

  2. How pretty! It looks so delicate and it really does look like a shell (and the color yarn you chose looks like the inside of a shell to me). Wonderful finish Karen!

  3. That is a lovely pattern, you knit it in a beautiful color, and blocking is magic!

  4. Wow, it was hard to imagine what it would look like when it was scrunched up on the needles. It's just lovely! The color looks great on you!

  5. Your shawl looks great, really nice on you x

  6. Your shawl is gorgeous. It's nice to see you :-)

  7. Oh my goodness. That shawl is beautiful. It's a good color for you and like Vera mentioned, the color reminds me of the inside of a shell. You are ready for Spring.

  8. That shawl is beautiful. Yes, the blocking makes the difference.

  9. It is gorgeous, Karen! It looks perfect for chilly spring days! XO

  10. So pretty! And I love the color for Spring!

  11. Oh wow Karen, it's gorgeous. I love the colour, wonderful knit.


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