

Good morning! How are all of you doing on this fine March day? I woke up to snow and that wintry feeling in the air. I hope my daffodils can tolerate this brief snowy blast.

My weekend was visiting my father daily while he is still in ICU (today is DAY 19). He gets closer and closer to being placed in a regular room but health events keep him where he is. I am grateful for the doctors and nurses who take such good care of him. Today I'm staying home and getting some things done around the house. 


  1. The snow is not quite sticking here... boy it was a sloppy walk this morning though!

    I continue to hold your dear dad close in thought and prayer. XO

  2. It is nice to stay home after heading to the hospital every day. I'm sending all good thoughts and prayers for your dad.

  3. I hope your dad continues to recover. That must be so stressful. Thank goodness you knit - such a great tool for stress relief (in my opinion).

  4. It must be stressful worrying, it's important to take care of yourself as well. Good to hear you got a day to yourself.

  5. I'm sure this is such a stressful time for you. Please know I'm continuing my prayers and healing thoughts for your Dad. Take care.

  6. Hospital time is such a liminal space ... glad you're finding ways to stay grounded. Keeping y'all in my prayers.

  7. Your ICU experience sounds familiar to me... my father went through a similar experience. Many hugs from me to you.

  8. I continue to hold all of you in my prayers. I am glad you are feel like you can spend a day at home. Hospital time can be draining. We had a few snowflakes in the air this a.m. and then the sun came out.

  9. Your snowy photo looks very peaceful. We are currently in the midst of a rain storm, though it may turn to snow in the afternoon. I feel for you dealing with your father's health issues. I have been there. It is good to take a break and just enjoy a "normal" day even if that means housework. Hugs.

  10. I am sorry to hear your dad is still in ICU, that must be very stressfull. Wishing you and your family well, and hope he will keep to improve.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. I know it can be very stressful. Thank god for good doctors and nurses! Sending good thoughts your way this week. Your daffodils will bloom eventually : )
    Take care! xx

  12. Thinking of you Karen, sending love. Take care, Cx


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