Knitting News


Good morning!  The sun was shining yesterday and hopefully today it will make an appearance as we reach summer-like temperatures. The seasonal allergies are crazy and I'm doing my best to ignore them.

My knitting has been minimal but I have been knitting since returning home. First up is the the baby blanket for our granddaughter-to-be in a lovely soft pink cotton yarn from deep stash. I'm thrilled to be using stash instead of going out to buy yarn! (but I will be buying yarn eventually, lol)

The next project that I am thoroughly enjoying is this sweet little cowl. This is a color that I do not wear and I made it a point to add it to my wardrobe. So pretty!

The last project is a pair of socks for my husband. I am on the second sock and well, I am barely giving it any attention this past week but now that I am home and caught up with all the chores I was behind in, I can once again add some rows.

What are you working on this week?


  1. I am finishing up a second sock as well! It is a good feeling to have them almost done!

  2. You've got the perfect combination of projects with your baby blanket, cowl, and socks. Chores can wait!

  3. All your projects look great. Love the color for the blanket and for the cowl. (And Heartwarmer is such a great pattern.) Like Dee, the colors in your husband's sock would keep me going round after round!

  4. Love the look of that cowl. Such lovely texture and the color is very rich looking. Baby blankets are so fun. So many things you can do to make them super special. I will enjoy watching yours grow. Your husband is so lucky to have such a caring wife. Making sure his feet are taken care of and warm. It is still slow going here with my knotting. We have several plumbing issues that are taking priority this week.

  5. I predict a good bit more yarn as you enjoy knitting for the new little one ;-) what fun!

  6. You are amazing! The cowl is pretty.

  7. I love all of your knitting. I want to look at the baby yarn that I have stashed to make something for my granddaughter or future grandson. There are lots of half skeins that should make a colorful sweater.

  8. What a nice group of projects with some nice variety. They should make your knitting fun over the next weeks. You just might need some yarn for that new little one. Happy Easter Karen.

  9. I love that blanket pattern, so gorgeous. Lovely knits as always Karen.

  10. We had a nice warm up for a few days - a little too warm, actually. We hit 87, then had a massive thunder storm and the next day's low was back down to 34. Crazy, but typical Virginia weather. Love all your projects, specially that shade of pink for the baby blanket.


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