

How was your weekend?

Ours was upside down but overall nice. 

Yesterday I had every intention to go to Mass but when I talked to my husband and heard how congested I was (allergies? cold?) I decided no one wanted to be near me and if I was contagious I didn't want to share my germs. With additional medicines, my husband is finally feeling a bit better. Fingers are crossed he has crossed over to good health after two weeks of symptoms.

We cancelled going over to my sister and brother in law's house for Easter dinner. However, my sister kindly brought dinner to us! How sweet is that? I am beyond grateful and dinner was delicious.

I managed to knit the second sock and have completed turning the heel and picking up the gusset. I am so close to the sock being finished now.


  1. I hope everyone is beginning to feel better. The pollen count here is quite high and I feel like I need more allergy meds, too.

  2. I hope you are all on the mend! Spring allergies are just so fun... not!

  3. Sorry to hear you had to cancel your plans, but I'm happy you had a nice weekend after all. I hope you both feel better soon!

  4. Good to hear your hubby is feeling better. So sad your Easter day plans got cancelled. Your sister is a sweet thing for bringing dinner to you. How nice of Frodo to guard the sock for you. We had a marvelous Easter with going to the Vigil Mass Saturday and then having 15 family members at our home for dinner Sunday.

  5. That was very nice of your sister to bring you Easter dinner. Sounds like your Easter was nice, even though it was different than you had planned. Allergies can be rough at this time of year. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  6. Now comes allergy season. The pollen count is high here too. I'm sorry your Easter plans were upended but how sweet of your sister to bring dinner to you. Take good care and feel better.

  7. Happy Easter, I hope you're both feeling better now. It was my son's birthday on Monday, 23 years old, shocking how time flies. I like your sock yarn, very nice colours x


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