

How was your weekend?

Mine was nice. Another weekend home doing my regular stuff. On Friday, I had a sister outing and in the morning we stopped to feed the chickens my sister is babysitting. They were all so cute! We picked up smoothies and shopped at a few stores before heading home.

I'm having the tiniest arthritis flare, so I've been taking it easy and staying out of the sun, heat and humidity which makes it worse. I'm in a knitting mood so that just aligns with my values these days. I did some art journaling as well.

The iris below has decided to bloom a few months late. We've had thunderstorms over the weekend that were intense but luckily Frodo cannot hear them and slept through the noise. Holly can hear them and she doesn't like them at all.

How was our weekend?


  1. The weather was a bit topsy turvy this weekend! The oppressive humidity is keeping me indoors as well!

  2. How nice to have a sister outing. The late blooming iris is so so pretty. My weekend was quiet too. But today was awakened at 4:45 by roofers working on our roof. It was dark outside!

  3. Babysitting chickens cracks me up...though if the owners are away, I guess they still need to be fed, etc. Beautiful iris. I hope your arthritis flare up is short lived. My fingers have felt extremely stiff this past week or so. I need to remember to take breaks when stitching or knitting.

  4. I'm also amused by babysitting chickens! Thanks for sharing the photos; they are adorable!

  5. So glad you are taking care of yourself when you have arthritis flares. I love the picture of the beautiful white Iris, and the chickens. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  6. We had a busy weekend as well as before then....company from MN for a few days, and then our youngest grand daughter's 10th birthday. How did she get to be 10 so soon?

  7. Those chickens make me want to knit up striped black and white socks ... with a red heel and toe!!


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