

How was your weekend? I had a fabulous one. Nothing much happened and I guess that is what I like most of all, nothing happening. I did a lot of knitting and a  lot of reading.

Friday evening we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner. After dessert and a quick board game, she gave me a tour of her beautiful garden where I captured some pretty photos.

Saturday was all the knitting and reading and then back to knitting, so so so good!!

Sunday we went to church and I did a bazillion household chores. (I'd rather be knitting or reading!).
I tried a new shampoo and my hair is all over the place. I can't decide if it's a win or fail. 

While I was walking Frodo around the house, I spied this maple leaf wishing me good things to come. I don't care how hot it gets or how humid (and it is humid = hair all over the place) I know and you know that FALL is coming and there are signs of it's arrival. That is all I need.


  1. This humidity is just crazy (as is my hair! lol) I am hoping it lessens this week with our cooler temps!

  2. Oh man! this humidity is nuts!! Love that red leaf and your sister's flowers are gorgeous. Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend. Mine was filled with a fiber festival, so all good!

  3. Is that milkweed? Maybe there are some happy Monarch caterpillars? Yes, church is always wonderful.

    1. yes it is, my sister's yard is a haven for monarchs :)

  4. Your sister's garden is lovely. Church always makes the weekend better.

  5. haha.. fall is coming. Puts a smile on my face as well. Your sisters garden is lovely.

  6. It sounds as if you had quite a relaxing weekend.

  7. I do love a beautiful red maple leaf. Your sister's flowers are very pretty. We also had a quiet weekend and it was lovely.

  8. I am also looking forward to fall. Our temperatures have already started to drop - the leaves will start to turn before long. Lots of time for reading and knitting sounds like the best kind of weekend! See you again soon!

  9. Our weekend was nice also. Our church started a new season/ sermon series, and we also had a nice get together with our younger daughter's family. Signs of fall are happening here, too. We have even had a tiny bit of much needed rain! Are you reading something interesting?

  10. Such a beautiful leave! We'll be spending one week in The Netherlands soon, so I hope we'll catch a little bit of fall.


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