

Good morning! How was your weekend?

Mine was quite nice and full of socializing. On Saturday, I went out shopping with my sister at some craft stores and two yarn stores. Oh my, the yarn stores were heavenly and yes, I did buy some yarn but I need to take a group photo of what I bought. Hopefully I will remember.

Saturday night my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game board night. Super fun and I didn't have to cook because my husband did (score!).

Sunday was 'recovery' mode since I abused my hands with all those gnomes. I took it easy and started a hat for myself (photo below). I am rethinking what I want to knit from here on out until Christmas. My hands and wrists have given me a stern warning. I am positive it is my autoimmune disorder that is flaring from overuse. I am thankful that circular knitting with wool doesn't affect my hands. (don't worry my hands feel fine right now as I type this)

How was your weekend?


  1. What a full and fun weekend, Karen! Happy Monday!

  2. It sounds like a good weekend all around and you've shared some lovely photos!

  3. Two yarn stores??? Do tell (and show). Sorry about your flare up with your hands. Hopefully with your gnomes all finished that will go away! Sounds like a lovely weekend. Glad you have time with your sister.

  4. I'm so glad that you are close enough now to your sister that the two of you can get together to go do fun things...like shopping and then them coming over for dinner and board game night!

    I've been having a bit of a flare too but I know it's due to the weather changes here. Keeping you in my prayers, Karen.

  5. How fun to spend the day with your sister. And buying yarn is a bonus! Gnomes are a bit tedious and hard on hands and wrists. But jeepers, they are so cute! Enjoy your circular knitting.

  6. Sounds like a great weekend! Sorry about the flare up. I'm glad your hands feel better already, but yes, you might want to rethink making more gnomes...

  7. So sorry your hands aren't cooperating with you.. good to hear they are feeling better now.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

  8. We had a rainy weekend (first one in weeks) and it was nice to just slow down and stay in. Glad you're minding your body's signals - rest those hands and wrists!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend Karen! I haven’t been to a yarn store in a very long time.

  10. Sounds like great fun! Yarn stores....sigh. I don't have any close to me. I hope your hands stay well enough to knit the hat.

  11. My weekend wasn't great, sadly. I had a root canal on Thursday afternoon and am finally feeling better today. The sad part was that we had to postpone my hubby's birthday celebration. However, we are still enjoying the cake I baked. (I get to make another one though since we are having the party this weekend. No calories in cake, right?)


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