

Good morning! How are all of you doing on this fine Monday morning? I'm back after having family here for nine nights (!). Our little granddaughter went back to ER this past Thursday for some oxygen monitoring and was successfully discharged the same day. She sees her doctor this afternoon in her hometown, so far she is feeling better. The miracle is that no one else came down with the virus. (maybe her dad but it was barely 48 hours of a mild cough). It's all about me and I'm glad that I didn't catch it.

Our company left Friday morning. My husband and I blitzed the house like madmen. We put away all the toys, playpens, the highchair and compressed our kitchen table down from seating six to seating four people. I completed four loads of laundry that day. (let me tell you that little baby and grandson generated a load of laundry per day - and both kids generated a bag of garbage daily - I do not remember any of this when my kids were little). We strategically went through the left overs in the fridge and planned our meals to use them all up.

This weekend felt decadent! I sat and read books, knitted a little (working on a simple hat for me) and without hand/wrist pain, but most of all I enjoyed the silence. Gosh, the silence was wonderful! Of course I miss everybody but they will be back in three weeks time.

I received a 'grammy' mug, which I adore and I've been enjoying my morning cup of coffee in my Christmas mugs. 

My non-credit classes finished last week and now I can focus on getting ready for the holidays. 

Happy Advent!!


  1. It's lovely to have family visit and it's also lovely when they go home!

  2. I am seconding Bonny's thoughts... and adding that I hope your dear granddaughter is better soon! XO

  3. I love the mug. Glad to hear everyone is okay again. I hope this week will be a bit more relaxed for you.

  4. I love the mug. I am Grammy also. My son and daughter and their families are coming for several days after Christmas. I am sure it will be hectic here just like it was by you. Yes, we love, love, love the visits, but the quiet afterward is greatly appreciated. Your hat looks like it will be finished in no time.

  5. I'm sorry that your little granddaughter had to return to the ER, but glad that she is doing much better after receiving treatment. Isn't it funny how when our kids are little we don't think about all of the laundry, etc. that it affords us? I totally understand being able to appreciate the silence now. :)

  6. You were one busy gal but it’s nice to get everything back to normal so you can enjoy a little peace and quiet with your reading and knitting. Hope all is well with your granddaughter.

  7. I know what you mean.. I love when they are here and I love when they go away. The quiet after company leaves is the best sound. Lovely mug!

  8. So glad that your granddaughter is doing better and that the virus didn't run rampant throughout your family during the visit. So glad that good memories were made and that you had some time to relax over the weekend. Have a good week.

  9. Blessed and peaceful Advent to you! We made a count down. I know exactly what you mean about the quiet, although it's nice to family + friends visit.

  10. Hope you're still WELL! and settling into Advent (a favorite season of mine, too) ... Grammy!!!

  11. It is great that your granddaughter is getting better and that you were still able to enjoy your holiday and family. I am "Grammy" too and I have yet to find any mug like that. It looks amazing. Is your family coming back for Christmas? What fun if they are!! Enjoy getting ready for the holidays.

  12. It is nice to have family visit and it is nice to get back in your routine. Enjoy getting ready for Christmas. Love the mug. I am also Grammy and isn’t it wonderful? I am without my laptop so will see if I can post.


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