

Our weekend was stressful. 

Yesterday we took Frodo to the emergency vet ER (had to drive north away from the city because two of the 24 hour vet hospitals near us were either at full capacity OR had a 5-7 hour wait time). Frodo had vomiting and diarrhea and was pretty lethargic. I was scared.

But luckily his bloodwork showed that he was okay for a fluid treatment to tackle his dehydration and an anti nausea shot before being discharged with a slew of medicines (you should see my chart on the fridge, good grief!). The photo above was him when we got home, they were magical in their treatment!! 

Today we will monitor him and I'm encouraged that he shows improvement so far. My husband has been ill the past few days and of course I caught the bug. So we are staying home and chilling out. Our holiday plans are up in the air with my local family since we are under the weather. 

How was your weekend?

My posting will be hit and miss the next two weeks.


  1. Oh no! Emergency vet visits are never fun... I hope you are all well SOON!

  2. Here's hoping that ALL of you recover soon!

  3. May all of you feel tip top by the weekend.

  4. I hope Frodo continues to improve, as well as you and your husband. The flu bug hit our family as well. Hoping its gone by end of the week. Take care. HUGS

  5. It's that time of year, isn't it? I'm so sorry that all 3 of you are under the weather. Take care and we will be here whenever you can post. Rest well!

  6. Glad to hear Frodo is alright.. that must have given you all such a fright.

  7. Sending you all wishes for a quick recovery and improved health starting today.

  8. Oh no! So sorry to hear about all the sickness in your home but good news about Frodo! My Mandy had IBS and I had many episodes of vet visits and IV fluids for dehydration. She's no longer with me (not because of the IBS) but the memory lingers. I hope you have a good Christmas and things get better for you.

  9. Poor Frodo. Poor YOU! All my prayers everyone feels better soon (this is NOT the time of year to be under the weather)!

  10. Oh...poor Frodo! I'm sorry you had to drive out of your town to get him to the Vet ER, but I'm glad they were able to treat him and that he's on the mend. Sorry to hear about you and your husband having a bug. There's so much sickness going on right now. Praying for you, my friend.

  11. I hope you all feel better soon. There are a lot of bugs around. Take good care.

  12. Take care of your tribe and get well soon

  13. Oh Karen, I’m so sorry about Frodo but glad he is on the mend. Take good care and all of you get well soon .

  14. Hoping you all feel better really soon and can experience celebrating with local family before your son and grandkids arrive.....


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