

Good morning! How was your weekend? 

On Friday, we received about five inches of snow and so I stayed home snug inside watching it all unfold outside. Frodo and I are in a routine where I bundle him up in his winter coat then I proceed to bundle myself up. We are outside for a few minutes then we undo all the bundling once we are back inside a warm house. 

On Saturday, we went to the local library and I checked out a few more graphic novels for fun. I do love admiring the artwork and the visual storytelling. 

Sunday morning we attended Mass after a month or so of lingering illnesses, maybe the walls shook maybe not. It was nice to be back, to feel healthy and to be grateful for everything.

We attended our grand-nephew's 3rd birthday party. What a fun age! He was a delight to watch as he opened his gifts and he loved everything. We should all be so joyful!

Over the weekend, I did lots of knitting and reading. We might be above freezing today!


  1. What a lovely weekend, and I'm looking forward to being above freezing today, too!

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Our temps are supposed to warm this week and later we will have about 4 days of rain! The silver lining is that it will (hopefully) wash all the salt off the cars.

  3. We got a bit more snow than you, but gosh it looks so lovely out! I love it! Glad to hear you are feeling better! That is a very good thing! Happy Monday!

  4. Five inches is just about the right amount. Covers the ground nicely. It is so pretty too until the snow ploughs come through and then the dirty brown slush begins. Love the photo of the bird tracks. Do you feed the birds? Good to hear y'all are feeling like yourselves again. Enjoy your week.

  5. Glad you're feeling better. Your snow is so pretty. Our snow keeps turning to rain. Boy have we had a lot of rain lately! And more is coming. Supposed to rain 5 days this week.... but temperatures will be in the 60's rather than the current 16. Crazy Virginia weather!

  6. That sounds like a whole lot of snow! We just had a little bit but enough to make walking on our hills dangerous because there was also lots of ice. It finally all melted after a few days of rain and warmer temps. Now rain is predicted for days!

  7. What a lovely weekend for you. I can just picture you and Frodo, bundling up and then unbundling several times a day. Today we warmed up to a balmy 35 degrees. We might get a little more snow tomorrow. Like you, I enjoy winter.

  8. Hi Karen. I am behind on blog reading, but I enjoyed hearing about your cozy, relaxing weekend. Your grandson's birthday party sounds delightful. Three is such a fun age! I hope you have a good week. See you again soon. :-)


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