Dinner and a Show


Hello! How are you all doing? I'm doing pretty good. There was a peek of sunshine earlier this week and I rushed out of the house to walk. The birds are singing away and early signs of spring evident. 

Mid-week, my husband and I met our daughter-in-law's parents downtown at a restaurant. We had so much fun talking about the kids and grandkids and then not talking about them and talking about everything else. After dinner we walked over to the theater to see My Fair Lady.

I snapped a few photos before the photoing was banned. The production was fun and they did a few things through-out the show to modernize a dated story line, and yet stayed true to the musical. I love seeing the creativity of set designs, mannerisms and costumes. Also the way they changed the set between scenes was very clever.

By the way, the photo of Miss Holly is one I took early in the morning. I never know where she will be sleeping so when she is there on the couch when I come downstairs to make the coffee, seeing her makes me happy and I am grateful she graced me with her presence.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. I've heard the birds singing here, too, a couple of mornings but not every day. It encourages my heart though because it means spring IS coming! Miss Holly looks so adorable and comfy there on the couch. I'm glad that you enjoyed the time with your daughter-in-law's parents and the production of My Fair Lady.

  2. Dinner and a show sounds very nice, especially when it's with your DiL's parents. Here's hoping you have an equally nice weekend!

  3. I lucked out with a sunny walk today here, too. That sounds like a very fun show; I love the music from it. Glad you had a nice time out.

  4. I too enjoyed a sunny walk today. Thankful for the break in our weather. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Sweet, sweet picture of Holly. No sun here - another grey, damp day...I've lost count!

  6. Sounds like a lovely time, and what a sweet picture of Holly!

  7. What a lovely time, Karen! And sweet Holly! :)

  8. I love those glamorous ceilings!

  9. What a fun evening and Miss Holly looks very sweet curled up on the couch.


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