

Good morning! How are you?

The sun has been shining for most of the week. Frodo and I walked and soaked up the sunbeams. I am amazed at the instant mood lifter a bit of sunshine can do after weeks of cloudy days. We are heading back into some rain and clouds but that's okay for now.

I am so close to finishing the baby sweater, I have less than eight rows to go. I will be glad when that is off my needles and I can work on the baby blanket once more. The acrylic yarn is beating up my hands (not too badly but I don't like working with it).

Every day the past week, I was either attending classes or attending routine appointments. I am looking forward to next week where my schedule will be relaxed. Now of course with a relaxed schedule, I'll squander the extra time! 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Sometimes it is beneficial to squander time! Frodo looks so dapper in his plaid coat. And that sweater! SO CLOSE!!! I am hoping to walk this morning.

  2. The sunshine has been such a balm! Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. You'll finish eight rows on that sweater easily! This week of sunshine and warmth has been a welcome respite in February.

  4. Glad you were able to get out for a walk with Frodo this week. We've had some beautiful days! Love the mug!

  5. AH...I love the picture of you and Frodo walking. Spring! Your sweater is going to be sooo cute! Can't wait to see it all done. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Sunshine makes everything so much better!

  7. Sunbeams do bring so much joy. That little sweater looks so sweet. I love the soft gray. Happy Friday.

  8. I tend to have less trouble with acrylic yarn. I think I am allergic to most others though. That baby sweater looks pretty. I love the sunny walk with Frodo. It is helping to clear today's clouds away.


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