Knitting News


My knitting news is minimal! The arthritis flare in my wrists has greatly improved but it's because I've significantly decreased the amount of time I've been knitting. I started these pair of socks over the weekend but then switched my limited knitting attention to some simple dishcloths for Easter gifts. I keep my knitting time to about one hour a day, sometimes a little more with lots of stretches and breaks.

I am grateful that I am getting better each and every single day!

What are you working on this week?


  1. That's nice looking yarn for a sock. I hope you continue to improve.

  2. I have always wanted to learn to make socks! I too am just making some simple dish clothes to get back into knitting. I have yarn on the way to start a sweater that will take me a long time to finish as my wrists can't take much either. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better each day! :)

  3. I hope your flare settles down soon! Those socks are fun though! Today we have wild winds that made my morning walk with Sherman fun! :)

  4. Just finished up my RCR socks for myself. Dishcloths make such a nice gift. Not to mention they are a quick knit.

  5. Hope your wrists feel better! I've had carpal tunnel issues, had to take a break with crocheting + even chopping veggies for a couple months...thankfully it's better now.

  6. Love that yarn! Still working on my sweater but excited to be near the finish line.

  7. Your sock yarn looks nice, I hope your pain goes away soon x

  8. I hope this flare is short lived. You have the best sock yarns.

  9. What nice manly sock yarn. I'm knitting on a sweater and a sock.


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