

And just like that, spring has arrived. Yesterday was a warm and sunny day - everything is starting to bloom. Maybe it's a little earlier than usual compared to previous springs, but I do like it. The weather is heading back to colder weather over the weekend and I thought I heard the word snow once more in the forecast.  Spring is such a fickle season and that is one of the reasons I like it. 

I pulled my sketchbook out to draw a downy woodpecker. I was outside and heard a woodpecker and used the merlin app to identify the bird. I then fell down a rabbit hole of differentiating a downy woodpecker from a hairy woodpecker (I do love a rabbit hole!). I spontaneously wanted to try a sketch. I could list a million things wrong with my sketch, but I am focusing on the fact that I did a sketch and did enjoy the process. Creativity also blooming.

I hope you are experiencing some spring time magic where you are!!


  1. I love it when you share you sketching/painting. Spring is a little behind here in Western NY. I hope we catch up soon...but as you said it's quite unpredictable.

  2. It has sprung here too... I like your sketch! And I really loved the thunder and rain we got here overnight!

  3. Yesterday was beautiful here, too. Nice enough to hang lots of laundry on the line, do some yard work, and then sit outside with the Merlin app. Have a good weekend!

  4. What a sweet sketch. I like that you sit outside and draw. Yesterday was gorgeous here - it even felt HOT when I went for my walk!

  5. Spring seems to have arrived here also, but I hope it sticks around!

  6. When I took my daily walk around the yard yesterday I was amazed at just how much had come out in bloom from the day before. The daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths are all blooming...and the forsythia is about to burst open...just a little more sunshine after the rain we've had today and it will be showing us its glorious yellow!

    I like your sketch!

  7. Lovely sketch, a good idea to capture memories to treasure for later. Spring is on it's way to the UK. Signs of daffodils opening and hyacinths in the garden. The clocks change soon and then it will be the official change of season. It's been wet, windy, sunny and cold today.

  8. Your sketch is lovely. How nice to be able to record that memory and rabbit hole. I feel Spring has arrived here too, although likely we will have warm and cold days for awhile.

  9. Love the daffodils Karen and a lovely sketch of the woodpecker. Spring is here too ☺️

  10. That's an awesome sketch and I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Spring is officially here for us too. We even hit 80 degrees the other day! Of course, it's Virginia, and Virginia has bipolar issues so it will be back to low 50's during the day and below freezing at night all next week. It's okay though - I'm really not ready for summer's heat and humidity.


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