

How was your weekend?

I'm on a roll with having quiet weekends and this one was really restive. The only event that caused some hiccups was the crazy windy rainy weather that knocked out power for moments at a time. We held our breath waiting to see if it was permanent and luckily it was not. Phew.

On Saturday we went for a country drive north of us and did a little bit of shopping (one was a grocery store so that wasn't exciting but they carry things I cannot get locally). We enjoyed seeing the greening trees and spring bursting everywhere.

Sunday morning, we attended Mass and then the rest of the day was laundry. 

All weekend long I was either reading or knitting. What a great way to spend a weekend. The top photo is a scarf and the bottom photo is a never ending hat in K1 P1 ribbing.

How was your weekend?


  1. What a lovely weekend! The scarf looks very pretty and boy! A 1x1 ribbed hat would take me some time to make! LOL

  2. You are so brave to make fancy scarves!! Sounds like a perfect weekend. We also sometimes have to take a drive to stores far away from us to pick up items. Locally we do not have many around us. My dry mouth has been an issue lately with allergy season so I haven't felt the best....however, I am on school vacation this week and I am planning a lot of reading and knitting. I find the crocheting hurts my hands more than knitting.

  3. A weekend with lots of reading and knitting sounds wonderful. That scarf is lovely so far and you may even be done with that hat someday!

  4. I thought of you last night as those waves of storms passed to the north of us! It was a lovely, quiet weekend!

  5. So glad you are having a run of quiet weekends! I knit my first sock! well, almost done. check out my post on my blog and see if you can help me with the hole in my gusset if you get some time please!... Yes, spring is springing up all over! Finally the oak trees are leafing out. They seem to be the last to join in around here. Hope your week is a continuation of your weekend! :)

  6. What a nice weekend. I love the yarn color of the scarf.

  7. Our weekend was quiet as well. I made an apple pie...actually, I made two of them. One was for a friend who has an upcoming birthday and the other was for us here. We had that very blustery wind too...thankful that it didn't take out our power.

  8. Another wonderful weekend for you. Isn't fun to try different grocery stores? An adventure for sure. The scarf is very pretty. Love the lace pattern on it. Wish we had a need fir scarves or hats here. Only wore my hat twice this winter. At that rate it will never need replacing.

  9. Sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend. I try not to do any laundry over the weekend because then I will have to fold it :(

  10. Sounds like a lovely weekend and that scarf is going to be beautiful. Looks like Frodo enjoyed the weekend as well ☺️

  11. What a nice weekend for you. The scarf is going to be very pretty. There is something about Spring that suggests lace knitting. That mystery series you are reading is one of my favorites.

  12. Sounds like a lovely relaxing weekend. Your scarf looks a very pretty pattern. Have a good week x


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