Knitting News


Good morning! It's a steamy hot day today and I'm sitting inside loving the AC, also I am grateful I have AC. My knitting update isn't very exciting. We had company over the weekend and yesterday I spent the whole day recovering from a brief (but painful) stomach virus. I'm fine now but all I did was nap on and off the entire day. I also slept great through the night!

The leg warmers for my mother in law are coming along nicely. I am nearing the end of the stockinette part of the first leg warmer.

What are you working on this week?


  1. Glad you are feeling better. I love the color of the leg fun! Extremely hot at our house too....but better than snow. Have a good week.

  2. I'm also glad you are feeling better and I love the yarn you are using for the legwarmers. They will look great!

  3. Tummy bugs are not nice. Glad you are better. We saw on the news last night, how hot the east coast is this week. And with y'alls humidity......just horrible. When we lived in the Philly area, we were the only people with central.A/C in our neighborhood. Everyone else had windo units. So guess whose house was the favorite for visiting during hot humid days.

  4. Heat and tummy bugs are not good things! Glad you are feeling better. Love the yarn you are using for the leg warmers - very pretty and cheerful!

    1. Sorry - anonymous is me...forgot (again) to fill in my name.

  5. So glad you are now feeling better. I too am enjoying the AC and being grateful that we have it. I love the yarn you are using for those leg warmers.

  6. So glad you are feeling better! Love the color of your legwarmers.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about the stomach bug you had. It sounds as if it was miserable. I understand about the heat! It's been crazy, but I, like you, am thankful for our air conditioning. Hope you have a good remainder to your week, Karen. xx

  8. I am so glad you are feeling better! I am, likewise, thankful for the AC. This heat is just miserable!

  9. June has been SO HOT ... and those leg warmers remind me it won't be this hot forever (and certainly not in Canada where your MiL lives). I'm still knitting the body of the white summer cardigan ... it's slow going, but perfect for watching TV or listening to an audiobook.

  10. I am so sorry you were sick. I am very happy you are on the mend......Your leg warmers are looking great! Take it easy my friend.

  11. June has been unseasonably warm in many parts of the country. I worked on a sock during plane flights. I do love the color of those legwarmers. How do you like knitting with Chroma?I'm also wondering if my comments are appearing.


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