This and That


How are you? 

I am doing well and so is dear Frodo. Everyday I believe he is back to himself and then the next day I see more improvements. He's on two antibiotics until the end of the weekend so I imagine coming Monday he will be the fully restored and rebooted Frodo. 

Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers, they meant a lot to me and they worked! Every day is a bonus day with him, and I take each day as it comes. He will be 15 years old in October.

Yesterday we went out for lunch at our favorite outdoor restaurant near a pond in a local park. The ambience is fantastic. Over the fence by our table, we watched a bird sitting on a nest built amongst the reeds. The best kind of lunch entertainment.

I have slowly eased back into ordinary life. I knit a bit, read a bit and journal a bit. It's a wonderful existence. I am enjoying my non-credit classes and as you know, I am once again in Tai Chi, if you ever have a chance to take a class, I highly recommend it. 

Below is a photo of my daughter's hand-painted Christian artwork and she has opened up an Etsy shop. We are so proud of her and she does amazing work! 

May you have a beautiful restful weekend!


  1. It's nice to read that all is right in your world (and your daughter does lovely work)!

  2. This post is full of so many good things! Have a great weekend! (and I do love your daughters art work also!)

  3. Hello! So glad to hear that Frodo is getting better. I always admire your journaling. I love your daughter's artwork. I also love the bookshelf you have them displayed on. I think a well-filled bookshelf gives a home such character. I hope you have a good weekend.

  4. Your daughter is very gifted! I studied iconography for a few months. We just got a hand painted icon of the Prophet Elijah, patron saint to our youngest son..

  5. How lovely to be easing back into the ordinary days. Your daughter is such an artist.

  6. Your daughter’s work is lovely and so happy to hear Frodo is back to feeling good 😊


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