Carnation Shawl


How are you? I am officially wishing for FALL. I gave up, the weather is too soupy out there to enjoy.  

I finished this scarf! Yes that is me shouting with glee. I've been working on this scarf for a long time, so  it's nice to be cast off, blocked and after I post this - wrapped up to be gifted in the fall.

I enjoyed the pattern but I knew I would get a little bored in the middle, I always do on a scarf - with a shawl or cowl I'm okay with the middle, same with a sweater. 

What are you working on this week?


  1. Your shawl is just lovely! it was hard to see all of the intricate details when it was on the needles. Someone is going to be very stylish come the fall when they receive this awesome gift. Stay cool....

  2. That is a lovely pattern, and I also like the color you chose. This weather is atrocious; I'm very grateful I don't have to work outdoors.

  3. Beautiful finish Karen. Someone is going to be so lucky to receive this. What's next on your needles? I'm thinking of "Semplice" by Vera Marcu.

  4. What a lovely scarf! I understand the bored part. I tend to get that way with some projects. Anxious to be moving onto something new. Yes, the air is too thick for me as well. I love summer but not this sticky gooey air. Hope you manage to stay cool!

  5. The scarf is so pretty! I'm knitting away on a white summer sweater - on sleeve #2 now, but yikes, I still have a long way to go.

  6. That scarf is so pretty. What a lovely gift. We've had a bit of a reprieve from high heat and humidity but it is back in the forecast for the weekend. What will you knit next?

  7. The shawl is beautiful, Karen. And I am with you when it comes to wishing for fall. 🍁🍁

  8. A less humid, significantly cooler morning brightened the start to my day! (as did that lovely little shawl!) Happy Thursday!

  9. What a beautiful heirloom piece!! I might try that one when I finish my granddaughter's dress!! You do such beatiful work....I love seeing your journaling and knitting....


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