

Good morning! How are you? I am doing well, I continue to ignore the summer weather. It hasn't been too hot this week. I had to buy some more items to repel the sun: sun block, sun hat, and another fishing shirt that blocks the sun. Even though I cover myself head to toe, the sun still finds a way to get me! (sun exposure activates my auto-immune disease). I am determined to win the battle.

I saw a fallen leaf on the ground as well as an acorn. Delightful!! Promises from Mother Nature!

Above is the sock I forgot to photo for the knitting post. I'm doing four rows of stockinette, a purl row, four rows of 1x1 ribbing, another purl row then repeat all of it. I need to do something to keep the knitting engaging. 

I've been thinking about my priorities and how I am sometimes skipping out what is important to me on the days that I get a little busy. I started changing my exercising routines and incorporating more healthy meals as well as making sure I get my much needed down time where I rest and read during the past few weeks. 

When I rest, exercise and eat right, I feel my best. When I skimp on those aspects, I don't feel so great. The older I get the more important it is to stay on the healthy path! 

What are your priorities? How do you get back on track?


  1. I love the patterning you are doing in your sock. I need some mental stimulation when knitting plain socks also. :) We haven't been eating the best lately and I can definitely tell the difference. You have inspired me to make a plan this weekend. Thank you!

  2. The cooler weather has helped me get a bit back into knitting (but it is still terribly humid). And...still trying to figure out what washer I want!!

  3. I do like that yarn! I feel lucky to be able to get back on track; because I'm retired I can make sure I get enough sleep, take time to cook, and I always try to make sure that I have some crafting time every day.

  4. I love the yarn you are using. So glad that you are doing what you need to do to feel healthy and happy. I am also looking forward to fall. It has been really hot here. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  5. Sound advice on priorities, my friend. It's easy to put them aside when we have other things going on.

  6. I have been struggling with getting the rest, healthy eating and exercise balance right recently. It is easy to get off course. I like the sock that you are knitting. Lately I am avoiding too much sun. I slather myself with sunscreen, but my forearms and shins get extremely itchy in the summer. I may have to cover up too

  7. Great sock! I wish I had the willpower to make healthy meals a priority. I know I feel SO much better when I eat properly but....


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