Topsy Turvy

Well now, how are you? How has your week been? Over here we are flying by the seat of our pants! I decided on a whim to start a sweater for me yesterday in defiance to the summer season. This sweater is 100% wool yarn. Yep. I am throwing myself into fall colors and daydreams of cooler weather. I couldn't decide on a new sweater pattern so I picked a pattern I have knit once before.

This was the weekend that both sets of kids and the grandkids were to visit but that all was cancelled on Wednesday. Our granddaughter has had an antibiotic resistant ear infection with a fever all week long. Maybe the kids will reschedule for later this summer.

I'm still having the family picnic tomorrow with local relatives and I have lots of cooking to do today and tomorrow! I'm excited to see everyone.

Frodo has a recheck next week and I cannot wait to see how his bloodwork is! He has improved and we are glad about that. His haircut this time is so cute and he looks like a puppy sometimes. He says 'hi'!!

I just loved the sunflowers at the grocery store this week. What a ray of sunshine!! 


  1. I hope your granddaughter is better and soon! And dear, sweet Frodo... he looks adorable!

  2. Sorry about the topsy turvey week but that sweater is going to be beautiful

  3. Sorry you won't be having company this weekend but there is still the family picnic to look forward to (after you make lots of food, of course). Have fun!

  4. Sorry to hear of your granddaughter's ear infection - hope that can be fixed soon. Love the color for your sweater (looks like one I have in my stash...). Have a wonderful picnic this weekend (minus the kids) and enjoy!! So good to hear that Frodo continues to improve...such a sweet pup.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your little granddaughter's ear infection. I will pray for her. The picture of the pink mums is beautiful...thinking autumn right along with you, my friend. Frodo looks so adorable with his new "do". xx

  6. Frodo and Lucy could be twins right now - prayers and best wishes for good bloodwork results! I was also looking at wool yarn this morning (yikes!) ... but I haven't actually decided to knit anything. Hope your wool invites cooler temperatures for all of us. Happy Weekend!

  7. I'm sorry about your granddaughter's ear infection. I hope she feels better soon. I am glad Frodo is feeling more like himself. Enjoy the family gathering and best of luck with a new sweater. You have a fall color for sure.

  8. I'm glad that Frodo is once again on the mend. So sorry that the visit with the grandkids had to be cancelled. Hopefully it can be rescheduled soon. I love the flowers! Enjoy your weekend and your family get-together.

  9. I hope your granddaughter is better soon and everyone can visit. Frodo is looking adorable. Looking forward to seeing your latest knitting.


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