

Good morning! How are you? 

I am valiantly ignoring the weather. I slipped and started to complain and then stopped myself. Complaining about how hot it is will not change how hot it is. I'm amused that in the middle of winter and the middle of summer (AC), Frodo needs a blanket because he is too cold after his grooming appointment for about a week. All I know is that I love being inside nice and cool.

My weekend was calm, relaxing and wonderful.

I finished reading Hello Beautiful and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was entertained the whole way through. I am now in the middle of The Secret Garden and the way the author describes how miserable Mary is in the beginning of the book reminds me of my grumpy childhood, lol.

The Power of Silence is good and is about hearing God in a noisy world. The world is noisy, loud and at times obnoxious. I find this read deep, profound and I read a little bit at a time.

Besides cleaning the house and doing laundry, I did a bit of journalling. All in all it was a wonderful weekend!

How was your weekend?


  1. Love the quotes that you journaled...as well as your artwork! And thank you for sharing about The Power of Silence! It's going on my wish list. xx


  2. "Ask the waves" is a good reminder! The Silence book sounds interesting. Especially these days, when so many people seem to think silence is something to be avoided at all costs.

  3. Replies
    1. Great quotes in your journal (and lovely art work too). I am complaining about the heat. This year it is bothering me more than usual. I'm not trying to wish time away...but I am ready for Fall days!

  4. So glad you had a peaceful and enjoyable weekend. I love the poem at the end. You always read such interesting things. Have a good week and I will see you again soon!

  5. I love that first quote about repetition! Stay cool (or warm, Frodo!)

  6. Sounds nice and relaxing. Our weekend was busy, but good. Love the journal quotes. Have a good week.

  7. I have bookmarked "Hello Beautiful". I loved reading "The Secret Garden". I hope you like it. I would rather put on a sweater myself in A/C than be too hot. I am sure Frodo appreciates the blanket.

  8. Awesome quotes. Looks like it was nice and relaxing.

  9. Sounds like you had a nice weekend; we did, too. I am reading The Covenant of Water; it's our next book club selection and very long, but I am enjoying it.

  10. Hearing God in a noisy world - now that is something I need to be purposeful about! Frodo does look so content in his blanket....oh to find myself just as content this week! Have a wonderful week...and happy Monday:)

  11. What a lovely weekend, and you are wise to stay inside where it's cool!

  12. Frodo looks snug and cared for under his blanket. Thank you for sharing a bit of your journal with art work.

  13. It always amazes me how pur dogs live to burrow under blankets, even in the summer heat! Sounds like such a lovely weekend.

  14. It is hard to stop complaining about the weather but I applaud your efforts.

  15. I'm late getting around this week but I made it! Poor Frodo! He looks so sweet all covered up. sounds like you had a nice weekend. I had a very long one but not really by choice. Sound like some great reading was done. I loved The Secret Garden. I've read it a couple of times. Hope you week is going well and you are successful at staying cool.

  16. I am trying my best too to not complain about the weather. I dislike this hot weather.


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