Around Here


Around here, I'm noticing a shift in the weather. The cool mornings are delightful when I walk Frodo and sometimes it even feels like Fall is beginning. I've enjoyed my hydrangeas and their showy blooms all summer long. The black cherry trees are starting to turn yellow. I am all in for the seasons to change.

Around here, I am noticing I am impatient with recovery and wearing a sling. I remind myself it could be a cast and still I'm grumbling in my head.

Frodo was groomed this week and he will be 'cold' for 1-2 weeks until he adjusts to his haircut. He has been doing well and sometimes he acts so annoyingly. I feel blessed when I am irritated with him and his demands to be outside (he loves to walk around the yard). He is tolerating his new medicine well and we are happy.

Around here, even though I am allowed to knit while my elbow heals, I find all knitting very slow going. Again, I'm trying to learn patience as an impatient person. I lean into gratitude and remind myself this is just a temporary way of life and it could be worse.

Around here, the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. I wrote out my knitting goals for the holidays, pared down considerably. This list was made before the elbow fracture but I still feel good about the goals. 

Even though there are hints of Fall, I am enjoying the last bits of Summer.


  1. Sweet Frodo is so adorable all snuggled up! I am sorry your elbow situation is frustrating you... I know you know that this soon shall pass... but in the here and now, soon for a bone to heal is a really long time. I hope that you can find some delight in the slow and steady rhythm of a stitch at a time. XO

  2. I love your journaling. What paints do you use? I took a Nature Journaling class last summer. I planned to continue but didn't. Now, I am interested in it.

    1. I've been using watercolor pencils lately that are various brands. I don't really have a favorite brand of anything but I do own lots of different paint sets :)

  3. I am sorry you are needing to practice patience. That sweater color is just beautiful

  4. Snuggled under a blanket or up against your sweater knitting, Frodo is adorable. Our days and nights have been delightful - more like September. Fletch is off to buy lettuce sets for Fall planting! Today will be a bit on the warm side...but cooler temps are again forecast for the weekend and next week. YAY. I hope you can just relax and do a little (emphasis on little) knitting and give your bone time to heal. I know it is hard to be patient....

  5. Karen, I so enjoyed your post. The way you expressed yourself regarding learning patience as an impatient person and how you lean into gratitude made me think of a dear friend who is going blind. She is completely blind in one eye and has very little vision in the other eye. She says, "This isn't suffering. It's an inconvience, but it is not suffering." She's one of the most joyous Christians I know. Love the quote at the end in your journal. xx

  6. I just read the post about your misshap. Yes it is definitely better to be in a sling rather than a cast. At least you can knit. I get being impatient, but healing takes time. Frodo looks all warm and snuggly. I can see the signs of Autumn here too.

  7. As much as I love summer I am looking forward to the change of the next season. Winter can stay away but I do enjoy fall. I'm a slow knitter by nature. If I get in too big of a hurry things looks sloppy. Frodo is so sweet! Have a great weekend!

  8. Your Frodo is such a cutie! Hope that elbow of yours heals quickly. It's finally cooled off here, and we are supposed to get some much needed rain tomorrow. (It hasn't rained here since May and has also been hotter than usual.) Looks like you are making progress on a sweater! What pattern are you using. I am working on sleeves and making slow progress.

  9. Arh sweet Frodo, enjoy your planning whilst you heal. Cx

  10. Look at sweet Frodo. I'm glad he is feeling better. It is hard to be patient with healing. I am seeing a few hints that the season will change. I love all the fresh fruits and veggies that summer brings but I will be more than ready for a cup of hot tea in the late afternoons.


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